Here’s an encouraging update from Smart Fundi. We love publishing news of what God is doing in His church. May the African church rise up. If you have a story to encourage others please email me, I’d love to post it here. Samuel
Dear Brothers and Sisters who are upholding the Lords’ work in your daily prayers here in the Southern Province of Zambia.
We are happy to keep you up- to- date and to PRAISE THE LORD on what HE has done and continues to do in our lives.
Many of our activities in the past few months were characterized with the preaching of good news.
Evangelistic outreach – we conducted an evangelistic outreach from 8th to 14th of March. The first outreach was conducted in Chiyumu area. Chiyumu is a rural area which is located 26Km away from Monze town.
The second outreach was conducted from 20th to 25th of May, in Kazungula area of Monze town again. In every evening, we uesd to have some gospel preaching as well as showing the Jesus film while making some follow-ups in the morning as well as distributing the gospel tracts. We used the afternoons to ground new believers in the word of God.
We thank God for many people who responded to the preaching of God’s word and those who have come to know the Lord during that time. An estimated number of 150 attended meetings every evening.
We hope to go back to Chiyumu and Kazungula for some follow –ups in August and September respectively.
In our evangelistic campaigns we had some few challenges such as the projector as the one we used was a borrowed one and developed a mechanical fault. We also had a challenge of Bibles to help with the new believers out there who did not have copies of their own..
Church life – The Lords’ work and all the saints at Monze are in good health except the wife of one of the Elders Lucy Ngambela who is still in the hospital.
However we continue with our normal activities aimed at reaching out to the people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will be conducting baptism service on 25th August and we expect about 16 Brethren to be baptized. Meanwhile Brethren to be baptized are be trained and prepared for the baptism.
Seminars – the Church conducted a number of seminars for different groups of believers in the church in order to try and help the Lord’s people grounded in the word of God.
Evangelism seminar was conducted on 12th January. I (Smart) facilitated and we looked at how to lead a person to Christ. We also looked at some practical way of approaching non believers and how to start the conversation and as we focused on Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well.
Leadership seminar was conducted on 6th April which involved all the leaders at Church – Elders, Deacons and their spouses, as well as youth and sisters leadership. The purpose of the seminar was to try to help the church leadership understand what it means to be the vision carriors. We also looked at qualifications and responsibilities of leaders. Brother Albert Chola from Lusaka was invited to speak at the seminar.
Sisters conducted their seminar on the 27th April. They invited two Pastors wives from Bread of Life International as well as Apostolic Faith Mission to speak at the seminar.
Youths were also privileged to conduct the seminar on the 1st of June and I (Smart) and the other Elder did speak at the seminar.
Finally the Church conducted a seminar for the entire Lord’s people at Monze Mission Chapel on the 22nd June. During the seminar we had another opportunity to host Brother Murray Grindlay. The Brother is an Elder at Vivian Street Gospel Hall in Wellington, New Zealand. Brother Murray took us through the book of 1 Corinthians 8, 9 & 10
Ministry to the orphans – as the Church we have continued to support the orphans and other vulnerable children both in the church as well as in our community. In this school term we were able to support 25 orphans with school fees, uniforms, books, shoes etc.
Our sisters also organized some clothes which were given out to the orphans, the aged and the chronically ill people.
Recent Ministry
In the last couple of months I have mostly been in the Southern Province preaching and teaching in the Churches. In February I spoke at Kalomo Church, in March spoke at Simuzila, in April spoke at Simulilika in Sinazongwe district.
Family news-we ourselves have been fairly well. On a sad note, Florence’s brother Innocent went to be with the Lord on the 20th January. Florence is now left with her young sister Alice.
Future plans
Baptism service on the 25th August
Follow-ups to Chiyumu and Kazungula in August and September.
Prayer points –
As you continue to pray for us, kindly join us in the following prayer points:
- The Lord’s people at Monze.
- For the provision of Bibles to be distributed to new converts in Chiyumu and Kazungula preaching points.
- Pray for the Assembly to acquire the more needed Chairs.
- Pray for the provision of a projector.
- Healing process of sister Lucy Ngambela
About ourselves
- Pray for Gods provision of our personal needs.
- Pray for the planned trip to Kenya in August for a conference.
Pastor Smart Fundi says
Greetings and love to you all at Reformation of the Soul Christian Ministries (RSCM)
We do trust and pray that all is well with you and continue to enjoy the Lord’s favor upon your lives. Thank you so much for your comments posted on our website on 25th February, 2014 after you went through our Newsletter. We were indeed humbled.
As the Church, we must sincerely apologize for taking such a long time to respond to the encouraging comments. This is due to the fact that for a number of months I (Smart) was in rural areas reaching out to the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and I was not able to access internet. We trust our apology is accepted in Jesus Name.
Thank you for taking all your precious time to explain about the missions and activities of RSCM as well as the organization structure and Statement of faith. We are deeply indebted.
As the Church we acknowledge the fact that God’s work of extending His Kingdom here on earth cannot be done by only a few individuals or organizations but instead requires consented efforts from all kingdom minded believers. People who want to see the will of God done here on earth.
Therefore, we were so excited to learn of your willingness to formulate a ministry friendship between you and us. Equally, we do believe that once this ministry relationship is built, we will be able to work together in bringing thousand of souls into the Kingdom of God.
Monze Mission Christian Brethren Church was born out of the great need to reach out to our people in the southern region of Zambia and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ even as there is the great need of true biblical Christianity to permeate the region.
Through Monze Mission Christian Brethren, we are spearheading the following work:
i. Church planting – in all major towns of southern region of Zambia. Thereafter we plan to move on into remote areas of the region. By God’s Grace we are claiming southern region of Zambia for Jesus.
ii. Opening up of Christian Bookshops in these major towns of the region.
iii. To establish an orphanage in the town of Monze.
Therefore, we cordially invite you to write us and see how we should go about in establishing the ministry relationship aimed at reaching out to the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Waiting to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely for the lost,
Pastor Smart Fundi
Monze Mission Christian Brethren,
P.O.Box 660383,
Mobile: +260 974958522/ +260 955780511
Email: /
Pastor Michael Ntege says
Praise God brother/ sister. I thank God for you and thanks a lot for all the work you do in God’s Kingdom.
This is to introduce to you Pastor Michael Ntege, a Ugandan pastor & minister, the Director and founder of the Ministry called Reformation of the Soul Christian Ministries (RSCM) and also Pastor of Reformation of the Soul Christian Center (RSCC) in Uganda. I am a conference speaker, a teacher of the word, and a crusade preacher. While the latter (RSCC) is the local church which i pastor, the former (RSCM) is an outreach apostolic ministry which concerns with outside missions for both local and international missions working with a wide range of network of pastors and leaders. I have ministered in Uganda and out side Uganda, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in both inside the church (church messages) and outside to win souls for Christ.
In RSCM we are concerned with activities to organize and hold, revival conferences, seminars and open air crusades preaching the good news to the non-believers to give their lives to Christ, teaching the word of God &conduct moments of deliverance sessions, and Miracle services. By God’s grace I have seen the hand of the Lord, God touching, Saving, healing and delivering his people from satanic bondages. Hundreds of thousands of people have been blessed through this ministry, many souls have turned to the Lord Jesus Christ getting born again, many obliterated vessels have been restored and made elite, the week are revived to strength, miracles and wonders are being manifested, and many have been set free from satanic bondages through the deliverance sessions and teachings held. Glory is only back to him.
RSCM missions are organized with a vision of edifying, grounding, and perfecting the Body of Christ through the word of God in hope, faith and, love of God to be victorious and more than conquerors over the devil and winning souls for Christ to expand the kingdom of God.
Teachings in the word of God and messages about Repentance, Holiness, Deliverance, Righteousness, victory through the blood of Jesus Christ, salvation for the sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the power of the cross of Jesus Christ, the eminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to take back his church, the victory of Christians over the powers of darkness which was laid for us by Jesus Christ, deliverance from the powers of darkness and satanic bondages, the eternal kingdom of God, the power of resurrection of Jesus Christ for God’s children and many others, have inspired and elevated the body of Christ widely in every place where RSCM has ministered
RSCM is a wide broad-based ministry working with all denominations, operating in Uganda and East Africa at large, comprised of only ministers of churches and ministries which worship God in truth and Spirit teaming up with pastors, Apostles, Evangelists, Teachers of the word, and other gifts and annointings from different countries.
The mission of RSCM
“To preach the kingdom of God and the truth of Jesus Christ, win souls for Christ, teach doctrine biblical principles, restore and establish lives of people back into God’s likeness to attain God’s righteousness and inherit the kingdom of God”.
RSCM Organization Chart
The following chart shows the organization of our ministry and how we implement activities on the ground in uganda and outside at large.
Executive Director
National Coordinators
of departments
Regional coordinators
With 8 Sec for depts
District coordinators
With 8 Sec for depts
Sub- county coords.
With 8 Sec for depts
Area mobilisers
With 8 Sec for depts
By the pattern of the coordination system shown above, RSCM has got a wide room and enough capacity to organize and hold an international mega summit of any kind at any time, in any place, in Uganda or any other country. Using the calculated demarcated areas from area level to National, the attendance capacity of participants can cope up to any desired targeted number.
For this reason, I would like to introduce RSCM to you by asking you formulate a ministry friendship between you and us if possible you allow me an invitation to your location face to face and then God will do his will. The major reason for this is that, Reformation of the Soul Christian Ministries (RSCM) as a ministry normally introduces itself through an identified minister especially the Senior Pastor of the church or, a senior minister of the ministry, or a minister who is one of the leaders in the ministry or the church, but especially through the Senior Pastor. By doing this we build the ministry relationship between you and us. The primary objective of this to expand the kingdom of God and nothing is much more or less than that.
Apostle Michael Ntege
Reformation of the Soul Christian Ministries (RSCM) UGANDA- E.A
We believe the Word of God is true, eternal, infallible, without error and it makes one wise. It is an inspiration of God for doctrine in righteousness. 2ndTimothy.3:15-16, Psalm 19:7.
We believe that there is one true living God the creator of the universe; heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1, Psalm 99:9, Isaiah 45:21-22, John 1:1
God is in 3 persons (God heads)- the Trinity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mathew 28:19
Jesus Christ is the Son of God Mathew 3:16-17, Psalms 2:7 was born by the Virgin Mary and by the power of the Holy Spirit Luke 1:26-31, 1:35, lived on the earth and grew in the flesh Luke 2:51-52. He is the Father and he is the way, the truth and the life John10:30, John 14:6
Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, died, was laid in the grave and on the 3rd day he rose from the grave ascended to heaven and he is alive today rose from the dead, Luke 23:33, Luke 24:5, Luke 24:36, 39, 1Corinthians 15:3-4, Acts1:9
Man was created in the image of God, fell from God’s glory and became a sinner. Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:7, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23
Jesus Christ the Son of God is the only one who saves man (human kind) from sin, unless one be born again will not enter into Heaven John 3:3, must believe in Jesus Christ John 1:12-13, and that he is the Son of God John3:36. One confesses his sins with his mouth and believes that Jesus died, was laid in the grave and that God raised him from the dead. Romans10:9-10. Further more, salvation is for now and one attains it by faith in this life through confession before death and his name written in the book of life. Revelation 20:12-15
There will be resurrection 1Thessalonians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, and there will be judgment Revelation 20:12-13
Marriage is for one man and one woman not man with man or woman with woman. Genesis 1:22
There shall be a personal, visible and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:7, Acts 1:10-11
Jesus ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to us and he is here with us and works in us today and all his gifts and miracles manifests today. John 14:16 Acts 2:4
Apostle Michael Ntege
Reformation of the Soul Christian Ministries (RSCM) UGANDA- E.A