Missionary to Africa in Ethiopia
- Transform the lives of Ethiopians through the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ, demonstrating God’s sacrificial and caring love to those in need.
- In May of 2005, Covenant Orphanage in Holeta, Ethiopia was born of humble beginnings, taking in 8 children. Although space and resources are currently limited to a small number of children, the orphanage hopes to one day meet the needs for as many as 250 children. The long term goal is to develop a secure compound to include small homes where the kids can live in family units of 10-12 children. We also envision a medical clinic and a school. Currently, the living conditions at the orphanage are substandard and demand immediate attention. The infrastructure of the compound itself is in need of repair. The security fence, bathroom, and kitchen are also in need of significant repair to be brought to a fully functional level.
- Working with SIM (Serving in Mission) Ministry as a Bible translator. Includes information on the Aari, Baana, Gurage and Mursi people.
Mercy and Truth International Evangelistic Ministry – Nazareth
- It is our vision to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. While participating with the greater body of Christ, we commit to establish a ministry that effectively focuses on reaching our world for Christ.
- The training center will provide training for former prostitutes, homeless persons, unemployed individuals, those who are persecuted because of their faith, and others whose new faith in Christ necessitates a change in profession.
- planted in 1988, the Church came from underground Church during communism regime we have been persecuted and suffered by communist for 17 years, now by Government side we have religion freedom, but still we have persecution from religious people.
- We are working in Addis Ababa and country side for our Lord Jesus Christ glory, we preach salvation, and discipleship and deliverance, especially, we are working among students and youths people, showing spiritual films every week, three times, and distributing daily Bible tracks, good news etc…
- In addition we are helping orphans and poor children with our church work.
- SIM missionary describes her work, photos, along with contact and support information.
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY)
- is a national Church in Ethiopia proclaiming the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. The EECMY is the largest Lutheran Church in Africa with some five million members.
- We have a deep concern, not only for the spiritual needs of a person, but also for his/her physical needs. Our motto of service is “Serving the Whole Person”, better known as, Wholistic Ministry.
Iyeesuus fayyisaa dha!!!
Iyeesuus fayyisaa dha!!!
how i get this kind opportunity
Ok it good and I am interested so can you please support me
All the time is working in gospel mission on the Africa
Yesuus nagaa keenya!
Here is Tanzania.i am Rev John Bosco.the Christian Leader in Tanzania,on behalf of the staff,taking this opportunity to ask you to open the way to Tanzania.i with my group and waiting for the response,and are ready to work with you.thanks.
Thank you Jesus for your precious blood!!!!
Whosoever believe in HIM shall not be ashamed !!!
Whosoever believe in HIM shall not be ashamed!!!!!!!!
Harka wal-qabannee raayyaa wangeelaa ijaaruu qabna .
EYYAASUU 1:7abdii keenya
Waqayyo Gaariidha!!!
Waqayyoo gaaridha !!
Waqayyo Gaaridha!!!! /God is good !!!
God doesn’t need our business but He needs our hearts!
so be honest …
with HIM we can be and do wat ever!!!!!!!!!!!
jesus is the lord