I consider myself a very Traditional and Catholic Lutheran. I love the Roman Catholic Church, and I hope and pray for the day when the Lutheran Gospel of salvation by grace alone will be sounded in its Cathedrals, and the Church reunited. In any case, in my sojourning outside the Roman Communion, I still enjoy getting glimpses of it and feel a need to keep learning about the … [Read more...]
Bach Friday
I'll give any regular readers a break this Friday and recommend some relaxing and historic music from a 'golden age' of the Church's history. Jesu Bleibet Meine Freude J.S. Bach was a great Christian composer from the Lutheran Tradition in Leipzig, Germany. This same tradition continued into the Evangelical Church in 1989 when anti-government protestors began prayer meetings … [Read more...]
The City of God (Pt. 2)
Yesterday, we noted a great moment in the history of the Church: the story of Noah. From it and from Augustine, we noted the difference between the City of God and the City of Man, and how these two are continually opposed. In the same way Noah had been rejected by men for holding fast to the faith and preserving the City of God, King David prayed in the Psalms: "Let not … [Read more...]
A Cool Picture
This is a picture I really like of the Cologne Roman Catholic Cathedral, we were learning about it in history class and how it apparently took like 500 odd years to build... … [Read more...]
Van Gogh, Happiness, and Work
You (dan, the only guy who reads this blog) will notice that my new profile picture is Vincent Van Gogh's Red Vineyard. I've had a thing for vineyards recently and I've appreciated Van Gogh alot ever since I learned about his life.He was a clergyman who tried to cheer people up who were destitute coal miners. But he couldn't help them there (he thought). So he began to paint … [Read more...]