Introduction BTCP aims to extend informal theological training to untrained pastors and church leaders around the world. The training program is systematic, biblical, portable and comprehensive, providing a foundation similar to that of a bible school or seminary. History The BTCP curriculum was first taught in Nairobi, Kenya in 1990. The comprehensive … [Read more...]
Sermon – Let Go Before You Go
Another Sermon from our friend Simon J. Oriedo. If you would like to share your sermon please email me. Samuel A Sermon Preached at the ACK St. James Church Buruburu during the First Service of Holy Communion on Sunday 14th May, 2017 Text: Acts 7:55-60 John 14:1-14 Psalm 31:1-16 Introduction “Let Go Before You Go” is the challenge and the struggle each … [Read more...]
Sermon – “I am Sorry”
Thanks to Simon J. Oriedo for submitting his sermon for our readers. If you have a sermon for us to publish. Please email me. Samuel A Sermon Preached at the ACK St. James ACK Church Buru Buru during the Youth Service on Sunday 7th May, 2017. Text: Luke 23:54-62 Introduction When you hear words “I am sorry” said to you what comes to your mind? What do you … [Read more...]
Break up your Unplowed Ground; for it is time to seek the Lord! – Part 1
Thanks to our friend Simon for sending in this sermon. If you have sermon you'd like posted please email me. Blessings Samuel You are Christ’s Letter to Be Read! A sermon preached on Sunday 10th January 2016 at the ACK Church of the Good Samaritan (CGS) Nkai Murunya in St. Matthew’s Parish. Texts: Psalm 89:19-27 Hosea 10:9-14 2 Corinthians … [Read more...]
Cast your Cares on the Lord – He will sustain you
Today we are featuring a recent sermon by our friend Simon J. Oriedo. It was preached at the ACK St. Polycarp’s Church Mlango Kubwa on Sunday 6th July 2014 during the fundraising to by the church plot. If you have a sermon that you would like to share with us please contact me through the website. Samuel Texts: Psalm 55:1-15, 18-22 Deuteronomy 24:10-22 Acts … [Read more...]