- BTCP aims to extend informal theological training to untrained pastors and church leaders around the world. The training program is systematic, biblical, portable and comprehensive, providing a foundation similar to that of a bible school or seminary.
- The BTCP curriculum was first taught in Nairobi, Kenya in 1990. The comprehensive 10-course curriculum is designed to equip pastors with basic pastoral skills and sufficient bible knowledge needed to fulfill their pastoral calling.
- Since 1990, the ministry of BTCP has expanded to over 85 countries, with the curriculum translated into 33 languages. As of 2017, 140,000 individuals have graduated from this program.
- BTCP bases its operations on the multiplication method outlined in 2 Timothy 2:1-2. The training transforms students into qualified graduates who are then motivated to training others.
Target Group
- BTCP targets untrained pastors all over the world. Currently there are around 3 million pastors in need of non-formal theological training.
- BTCP collaborates with several implementing ministry partners in over 85 countries worldwide. The BTCP concept and curriculum is made available to these partners so that they can train present and next-generation leaders for the Lord’s church.
- Men who qualify to be pastors according to the requirements set out in 1 Timothy and Titus (not married to more than one wife or divorced) are eligible for the BTCP program.
- BTCP’s curriculum is biblically sound and time-tested, and is delivered using a life-on-life concept. The Bible is the main textbook, along with several courses that include:
- i) Old Testament Survey
- ii) Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation
iii) New Testament Survey
- iv) Personal Spiritual Life
- v) Missions/Evangelism/Discipleship
- vi) Teaching Principles and Methods
vii) Church History Survey
viii) Bible Doctrine Survey
- ix) Church Ministry/Administration/Education
- x) Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry
- The curriculum is designed for delivery in a live classroom setting by a qualified teacher who also acts as discipler and mentor for the students.
- Teachers are taken through Teacher Training Workshops with the aim of:
- Equipping them to use the BTCP curriculum
- Encouraging them to multiply biblically equipped disciples
- Instilling in them a biblical philosophy of leadership development
- Men who are biblically qualified to be pastors, and complete all the ten BTCP courses receive a BTCP certificate on completion of the program.
- Other students who complete between 5 and 8 courses receive a BTCL (Bible Training for Church Leaders) certificate.
Where is BTCP used?
- BTCP Classic: These classes are conducted by partner ministries who offer full-time programs in modular form. Partnering ministries include churches, associations of churches, Bible colleges and seminaries, para-church ministries, individual missionaries and pastors, and mission agencies.
- Church-sponsored Bible Institutes: Several churches in the USA use 5 of the BTCP courses for equipping their deacons, elders, Bible teachers, and small group leaders for ministry. This program is called Bible Training for Church Leaders (BTCL).
- Seminary Extension Bible Institute: Various seminaries outside the USA use BTCP to extend theological training to Bible Institutes in remote locations.
- Bible Colleges: Several partnering bible colleges use the BTCP concept and curriculum to form a sound basis for their other Bible training programs.
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