Absolution is the bestowal of God’s grace
True contrition is not simply the work of God’s grace but a human choice
God’s grace can do nothing without human cooperation
What then does grace do?
If grace does not convert the will, then it has only a legal reality. Grace is simply the recognition of human merit and the bestowal of a reward upon human cooperation. Grace is then not the formal cause of salvation, human merit is the formal cause. God’s Word and the sacraments might be the matter which is used by the will, or chosen, but it is not the formal cause of the merit. The Word and the sacraments can never change the will from essentially being free. Semi-Pelagianism becomes impossible, and if any free will be admitted in spiritual salvation, there is of necessity Pelagianism. The more free man becomes the more opportunity he has to save himself.
Christ cannot be formally titled Lord or Saviour in such a scenario, but man must.
Absolution is the bestowal of God’s grace subjectively upon the elect person.
True contrition is needed for God’s grace to effect salvation, but this necessarily comes to the elect.
Absolution, preaching, and the sacraments, may be the matter which is used by the regenerated will, but it is not their formal cause.
What then does grace do?
The Father’s grace elects the person. The Son’s death and resurrection justifies the person. The Holy Spirit regenerates the person. Election is the formal cause of salvation. The means of grace then is purely the Spirit without the Word or sacraments. Monergism, but an interior monergism and sanctification. The more free the elect are, the more saved they become, the more free the reprobate are, the more damned they become.
Christ cannot be formally titled Lord and Savior of all, only the elect.
Absolution is the bestowal of God’s grace
True contrition is impossible, because sin always formally dwells in living Christians.
God’s grace can only work without human cooperation.
What then does grace do?
Everything, but only through the Word and sacraments. When the Word is proclaimed it brings to effect what it will in those God has chosen. No one is presumed elect who has not received the Word or sacraments. Monergism, but an exterior monergism. The less free man becomes, the more saved he is.
Christ is formally the Lord and Savior of the Church.