For those of you who haven't read the Confessions of St. Augustine, St. Monica, is remembered as the gracious doctor's mother. She prayed for Augustine for over seventeen years, that he would be converted to the true faith. As the phrase usually goes: Augustine wouldn't have been a saint unless Monica had. The episode reminds me of a story wherein Pope Paul VI upon becoming … [Read more...]
Parish Ale: Beer in Church, a Lengthy Tradition
In the middle ages (and in some places even until now) the parish was the centre of community life. There would be dances and celebrations in the church, as well as meetings of almost every kind. Some people stored valuables there, feeling that no one would dare rob such a sacred place. One Tradition I found out recently though was the brewing of beer for different feasts … [Read more...]
Vive La Counter-Revolution!
(News of the Christian Revolution spreads more slowly than those of its competitors, but for those of you in need of some, here's a great story of Muslims converting to Christianity in Germany) When the Communists took power in Vietnam the Marxists followed a pattern going back to 1870 when the Communards of Paris shot their city’s archbishop. Most priests and Christian … [Read more...]
South Park's Depiction of Historical Theology
The argument from inconsistent revelations is a common case made by atheists but decreasingly popular, in a less religious culture. In short it says that because so many religions preach different ways to Heaven, then choosing any one of them is mathematically risky and foolish because you could be wrong. Thus it’s better not to choose a religion and be agnostic. However … [Read more...]
Is Flight From the World To Be Understood as an Act of Piety or Despair?
“There are on record examples of men who, forsaking marriage and the administration of the Commonwealth, have hid themselves in monasteries. This they called fleeing from the world, and seeking a kind of life which would be more pleasing to God. Neither did they see that God ought to be served in those commandments which He Himself has given and not in commandments devised by … [Read more...]