“…while God touches the heart of man through the illumination of the Holy Ghost, man himself neither does absolutely nothing while receiving that inspiration, since he can also reject it, nor yet is he able by his own free will and without the grace of God to move himself to justice in his sight” – Council of Trent (ch.5 in the 6th session)
“The Council of Trent tried to steer a course on the razor’s edge between semi-Pelagianism and Reformed thought. It is arguable that they cut themselves on that razor.” – R.C. Sproul “Faith Alone” (p.113)
“John Piper is bad” – Rev. John Piper
One realizes in the Catholic-Protestant debates that the Augustine-Pelagius debates take a centre stage. Many times I greatly dislike St. Augustine – don’t get me wrong, he’s a great theologian, and I loved his confessions. However it seems he caused too many problems. I can see why some Orthodox don’t even think him a saint and think him more heterodox or heretical, than defender of Christian orthodoxy. One Orthodox theologian I read, said the problem with Augustine is that he wasn’t consistent, he changed his mind as time went on, and that’s why he wrote the retractions. This theologian said that many times people on opposite sides of the debate would quote St. Augustine in their favour and disagree when in actuality, Augustine contradicted himself. This would certainly make sense in my opinion, as Augustine has been cited by people from pretty much every theological camp in existence.
On Jared’s blog he has a quote from Augustine’s commentary on John 6:44 and it shows that Augustine taught irresistible grace, but I could come up with other quotes from ‘grace and freewill’ that would probably contradict it. As R.C. Sproul shows us in his polemical – but fair- book, is that the Catholic Church originally took this position of Augustinianism in the Council of Orange, however in Trent they took a semi-Pelagian position (almost identical actually in many ways to John Wesley and Methodist theology, with the whole prevenient grace and semi-Pelagianism).
But like any good portion of history the Catholics always have a loophole, the Council of Orange was local and not ecumenical, hence it can’t be seen as infallible. They always find a way…
Thus I find Catholicism not Augustinian.
The Calvinist view which Jared has educated me on, makes alot of sense, and I’d be quick to side with them if I just went on emotion rather than reason (as Total Depravity gives me a good excuse for most things). However I have shown before that other Church Fathers such as St. Gregory of Nyssa clearly contradict this narrow or limited view of free-will, indeed St. Augustine I believe is the only one near it.
Thus I find Calvinism not Augustinian.
…And once again the Orthodox win the argument as the Western Christians squabble for 1000 years about the theology of one man.
…But Orthodoxy and Calvinism lose in the catholicity test… so Catholicism wins by default, according to my arbitrary arbitration.