"nothing is more effectual in prevailing with God than that a man should judge himself and never cease from asking pardon, knowing that he is never without fault. For human nature has this flaw ... from the corruptible body springs that which may corrupt the soul also. Hence although the inner man be now reborn in Christ and rescued from the bonds of captivity, it has unceasing … [Read more...]
Advent Devotional Reading
If anyone was looking for an historic understanding of Advent devotion, I'd heartily recommend them to look to the work of St. Ephraim the Syrian. He wrote a great Hymn for Christmas that you can see: here It's a LOT longer than most of the hymns we've come to be familiar with, but it is rich in theology and mentions many of the things discussed on this site so far for Advent … [Read more...]
Prometheus, Hanoverians, and the Christmas Tree
Since I've been writing so much on Advent lately, from defining Advent, to asking what the point of it was, to explaining Advent traditions, prayers, and spiritual disciplines, I thought I'd write more on the Christmas Tree. In the film Prometheus (2012) that came out recently, the futuristic space explorers still celebrate Christmas, and do so by erecting a Tree in the ship. … [Read more...]
From the World Tree to the Cross of Christ
For more thoughts on Advent, I decided to write some background for the Christmas tree. Trees played an important role in ancient Germanic Paganism. The World Tree -as any World of Warcraft player knows- was the centre of their life and narrative. Its roots reached under the earth and up into the Heavens, with gods like Ravens perched on its branches. They worshipped around … [Read more...]
The Incarnation (Romano Guardini)
"Revelation shows that the merely unitarian God found in post-Christian Judaism, in Islam, and throughout the modern consciousness does not exist. At the heart of that mystery which the Church expresses in her teaching of the trinity of persons in the unity of life stands the God of Revelation…Son of God become man – not only descended to inhabit a human frame, but ‘become’ man … [Read more...]