So what's Monergism anyway? According to my alma mater (wikipedia): "Monergism describes the position in Christian theology of those who believe that God, through the Holy Spirit, works to bring about effectually the salvation of individuals through spiritual regeneration without cooperation from the individual." This post will contend that the gracious doctor taught … [Read more...]
St. Dominic
Tomorrow is the feast of St. Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order from which many noteworthy theologians and saints have emerged. Thomas Aquinas, Torquemada, and Yves Congar. There's a joke that's told a lot amongst Roman Catholics - especially ones like I was who discerned religious life with the Jesuits. The Dominicans were founded to get rid of the Albigensians, … [Read more...]
The Borgias and the Lutheran Reformation
I consider myself a very Traditional and Catholic Lutheran. I love the Roman Catholic Church, and I hope and pray for the day when the Lutheran Gospel of salvation by grace alone will be sounded in its Cathedrals, and the Church reunited. In any case, in my sojourning outside the Roman Communion, I still enjoy getting glimpses of it and feel a need to keep learning about the … [Read more...]
Clerical Celibacy, Tradition, and Facts
"...when baptized he is attached at once to the rank of readers or exorcists, if, that is, it is clear that he had or has one wife and that he received her as a virgin. Two years after his initiation having elapsed, he can be made an acolyte and subdeacon for five more, and thus can be advanced to the diaconate, if during these times he was judged worthy. Then subsequently, … [Read more...]
Dominion Day / Canada Day
For those of you in Canada reading this, a happy Dominion day! (or Canada Day as they call it now) For those interested in the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, they should read some of the Canadian Church History that I found quite interesting. It is from a book called "The sword of Saint Paul : a history of the Diocese of Saskatoon, 1933-1983" by Duncan F. … [Read more...]