"...when baptized he is attached at once to the rank of readers or exorcists, if, that is, it is clear that he had or has one wife and that he received her as a virgin. Two years after his initiation having elapsed, he can be made an acolyte and subdeacon for five more, and thus can be advanced to the diaconate, if during these times he was judged worthy. Then subsequently, … [Read more...]
Papa Benny 16, being Augustinian Again
I love our Pope, because he is so Augustinian, and such a pastoral theologian."To have Christian hope means to know about evil and yet to go to meet the future with confidence. The core of faith rests upon accepting being loved by God, and therefore to believe is to say Yes, not only to him, but to creation, to creatures, above all, to men, to try to see the image of God in … [Read more...]
The Person of Jesus – The Subject of the Sacraments
On my retreat this weekend I had a sort of mini revelation. I just wrote down on a piece of paper: 'Lex Christi est Persona Christi' (probably incorrect Latin) - The Law of Christ is the Person of Christ. After I made a few minor errors during Confession I felt like I had 'done it wrong' and then fears began coming up of Baptismal invalidity, etc. I then remembered St. … [Read more...]
The Reality of Satan
Today my beloved parish priest who is fairly orthodox excepting occasional slips into Liberalism. As someone who hasn't given anything remotely resembling the dedication and service he has given to our Church, I want to clarify that I'm not attacking him or his ministry, just the idea he deseminated from the pulpit.The reading for today was Matthew 4, the Temptation of Christ … [Read more...]
Canada's Newest Saint
I really don't care about the Olympics, an orgy of flesh-worship based on pagan religion, and a further financial burden to our country and what have you. I get annoyed as people keep telling me "we" won another medal. Well I have something else that I find more exciting that "we" now have. Papa Benny said this week that Canada is getting another saint! Brother Andre! (He … [Read more...]