In our society when something tragic or extreme happens – like the shooting in Colorado – it is portrayed as an horrific exception to the rule of the normative goodness of human beings. By comparison, in days gone by, things worked much differently. In a society which confessed the total depravity of man, when things were going well and there was a lack of egregious crimes, … [Read more...]
Vive La Counter-Revolution!
(News of the Christian Revolution spreads more slowly than those of its competitors, but for those of you in need of some, here's a great story of Muslims converting to Christianity in Germany) When the Communists took power in Vietnam the Marxists followed a pattern going back to 1870 when the Communards of Paris shot their city’s archbishop. Most priests and Christian … [Read more...]
Middle-Eastern Syncretism and Christmas
Apparently the issue of non-Christians celebrating Christmas was not merely a modern Western phenomena. Philip Jenkins' book on Middle Eastern and Oriental Christendom quotes one source that recorded: "Christians, Moslems, Jews and Nuseiriyeh [Alawites] visit each others' shrines. The Moslems take their insane, or "possessed" to get rid of their evil spirits in the cave of … [Read more...]
Advent and Candles in Worship
If you promoted the use of candles in worship as an Advent service idea, some people might get quite upset. Back in the 19th century, a little thing called the "Oxford Movement" was going on, where the Church of England / the Anglican Communion worldwide began to go back to more 'Catholic' or Traditional modes of spirituality. Candles was a common one that the more Reformed … [Read more...]
From the World Tree to the Cross of Christ
For more thoughts on Advent, I decided to write some background for the Christmas tree. Trees played an important role in ancient Germanic Paganism. The World Tree -as any World of Warcraft player knows- was the centre of their life and narrative. Its roots reached under the earth and up into the Heavens, with gods like Ravens perched on its branches. They worshipped around … [Read more...]