The first time I heard this hymn was at the funeral of a friend. It instantly became my favourite, to the point that when N.T. Wright criticized it in his "Surprised by Hope" I felt myself turned off from his theology forever (irrational though it might have been). Henry Francis Lyte, the author of this hymn had a fascinating biography. Having studied with the Anglo-Irish … [Read more...]
Hymn History: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
In 1862 George Matheson had a great deal going for him. He had been a successful student in classics, logic, and philosophy from the University of Glasgow, and at the age of 20 he was engaged to marry a young woman he loved. However, that year, he became ill and tragically lost his sight. Rather than be comforted by his betrothed, the story goes that his fiance said that she … [Read more...]