A Sermon Preached at the ACK Kiu in - ACK St. Hellen’s Parish - Sunday 15th January 2012 Texts: Psalm 139:1-5, 12-18 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (Main) Revelation 5:1-10 John 1:43-51 Introduction Christ’s coming into to the world was to spiritually influence the lives of God’s people. God’s people had backslidden and became nominal in their faith. Either they had … [Read more...]
HOLY WEEK 2011 – Part 3
Wednesday 20th April 2011 Rev. Simon J. Oriedo Jesus Anointed for Burial Mark 14:1-11 Introduction The events recorded in Mark 12:1-13:37 all took place yesterday, Tuesday. When Jesus was leaving the temple (13:1-2), His disciples, first drew His attention to the temple building. This led Jesus to prophesy about the destruction of the temple, which eventually … [Read more...]
HOLY WEEK 2011 – Part 2
Tuesday 19th April 2011 Rev. Simon J. Oriedo Divine Authority: Mark 11:20-33 Introduction On Monday, when Jesus had finished laying bare the spiritual condition of the crowd and the Temple which was responsible for that state, the chief priests and the teachers of the law were embarrassed for the failure to maintain the purpose for which the Temple was built. … [Read more...]
HOLY WEEK – 2011
Monday 18th April 2011 Rev. Simon J. Oriedo Palm Sunday: Mark 11:1-11 Introduction On Monday 4th of April, the Ocampo two landed back to Nairobi to be pompous welcome. The grand march for a prayer rally at Uhuru Park started at the Airport. They were driven in an open vehicle, joined by their close allies, while their supporters / the crowd walked on foot chanting … [Read more...]
How I’m praying for Japan
I spent some time this morning watching coverage of the tragic situation in Northern Japan. Here’s how I’ve been praying. 1. I’m praying my sadness and grief over the loss of life and the devastation back to God. There is no one better to talk to about these things then Him. I’m praying that God’s peace and strength, provided through Christ, would be known in the hearts and … [Read more...]