"If there be anyone stained with crime, and driven headlong by despair to the pit of destruction, let him call upon this life-giving name, and he will speedily be restored to hope and salvation. Is there anyone amongst you in hardness of heart, in sloth, or tepidity, in bitterness of mind, if he will but invoke the name of Jesus his heart will be softened, and tears of … [Read more...]
The Liturgical Calendar?
For some readers the Liturgical Calendar like the prefix "St." is scary and reminscent of the Inquisition, Clerical sex-scandals, and everything they hate about religion in general. However, in years past, more and more people with that initial gut reaction have been rethinking their own positions, and have warmed to words like "Lent" and "Advent". I remember first … [Read more...]
Welcome to Holy History, a site where all manner of theological, historical, philosophical, and cultural discussions and debates shall occur. My name is Andrew, and I'm a Christian and novice historian. I'm completing a master's degree in English Ecclesiastical (Church) History, and am currently a member of the Lutheran Church-Canada (though I have an extremely complex past … [Read more...]
The old tests again…
So I took 2 online theology tests again to see how much I had changed, and I did them honestly without regard for the outcome.For the first test I got:(100%) 1: Eastern Orthodox(96%) 2: Lutheran(93%) 3: Anglican/Episcopal/Church of England(83%) 4: Roman Catholic(77%) 5: Presbyterian/ReformedFor the second I got1. Anglican2. Lutheran (Missouri Synod)3. Catholic4. Baptist5. … [Read more...]