While studying Christian Socialism in England for my Master's paper, I found an interesting devotion that was spoken of amidst the working class and the defenders of the worker. One Christian Socialist wrote during the First World War: "Your scented and curled and comfortable little god on a nicely gilt crucifix is not the God of butchered soldiers and broken women and … [Read more...]
Parish Ale: Beer in Church, a Lengthy Tradition
In the middle ages (and in some places even until now) the parish was the centre of community life. There would be dances and celebrations in the church, as well as meetings of almost every kind. Some people stored valuables there, feeling that no one would dare rob such a sacred place. One Tradition I found out recently though was the brewing of beer for different feasts … [Read more...]
The Puritans' War on Christmas
Comedic Pundits like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart constantly celebrate Advent by mockingly referring to what Social Conservatives would call "The War on Christmas", which they see as emblematic of American society's rejection of Christianity. It would shock many to know that the first people who warred against Christmas were not post-60's liberals however, but one of … [Read more...]
Prometheus, Hanoverians, and the Christmas Tree
Since I've been writing so much on Advent lately, from defining Advent, to asking what the point of it was, to explaining Advent traditions, prayers, and spiritual disciplines, I thought I'd write more on the Christmas Tree. In the film Prometheus (2012) that came out recently, the futuristic space explorers still celebrate Christmas, and do so by erecting a Tree in the ship. … [Read more...]