I should be writing on my theology blog if it’s about God or Religion, but I post on here because I know nobody reads it and I can get out my really personal thoughts.
2 days ago a friend asked me to pray for her on the phone. I don’t remember how to pray to God the right way anymore. I don’t even know if I believe in prayer. I have all the arguments and logically I can accept it, it’s just personally I don’t know if I think God even likes me, I’ve abused our friendship too much. (Now’s where protestants will attack me) But I’ve been praying to the saints alot recently. I mean I believe they’re going to him anyway, but it just seems easier to talk to a dead person than a deity. So I’ve been praying to Our Lady in latin, I feel like a medieval peasant so it just seemed right.
Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancte Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis pecatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis, nostrae.
I’m terrified about so much in life right now, I have so many essays – I don’t know how I’m going to get through it. I gave up World of Warcraft. I have a drivers test that i’m scared about too. I’m so angry at life in general, I hate it, I hate me. I feel so incredibly weak and scared about everything.
I was listening to the radio yesterday night and heard the story of Abraham and Jehovah Jireh – the Lord will provide. I just hope he provides me with some help or angels or something and with a hope and reason for living (and again if someone does read this, you probably know that i’m too cowardly to commit suicide, I’d just never do that). But I would like my life to mean more than struggling to survive, please those around me, be thin, and get a piece of paper (history degree).