These books are laying around the house that I’m still trying to finish:
Apologia Pro Vita Sua – John Henry Cardinal Newman
The Christian Tradition (Volume 4) – Jaroslav Pelikan
Love Alone is Credible – Hans Urs Von Balthasar
The Trinity – Karl Rahner (though the book comes so close to modalism, I think I might stop it for a while, if not indefinately)
The Christian Tradition (Volume 1) – Jaroslav Pelikan
Early Christian Doctrines – J.N.D. Kelly
The Consolation of Philosophy – Boethius
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy – Etienne Gilson
The Sword of Truth Trilogy – Evelyn Waugh
The Abolition of Man – C.S. Lewis
Pilgrim’s Regress – C.S. Lewis
Letters to Malcolm – C.S. Lewis
The Truth of Catholicism – George Weigel
The complete writings of Flannery O’ Connor
to name a few. (I read in a really stupid method, just reading whatever I feel like each day, rather than finishing one book at a time)
but the next books I want to get are:
The Crucified Rabbi – Taylor Marshall
The Literary Converts – Joseph Pearce
Crazy For God – Frank Schaeffer
Saint Thomas Aquinas – G.K. Chesterton
I have about $50 worth of gift cards to a book store, perhaps I’ll be able to get more books which will taunt me by not being read because of school.
“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.” – Desiderius Erasmus