I’ve been inexplicably listening to the song called “Mondo 77” by Looper or “looper 77” by mondo or something here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc57lu5GC90
It’s kind of haunting to me. I listen to it and it remins me of the inverse of an experience I had in life.
so 2 years ago almost to the day my friend Jenn and I were dropping a friend off at Heathrow airport in London. We left our hotel in “little Mecca” and got on some subways and eventually a bus headed for heathrow airport. It seemed to take forever and I thought it might be the last time I saw one of my best friends. I remember the sickness to my stomach that I felt, I remember the ungodly hour (it was about 1am) and she had to sit alone all night in the airport waiting for her early morning flight. I remember Jenn and I taking buses and subways because we were too cheap for a cap, they ran about 50 quid and we were a bit poor. So eventually we got completely lost on the London bus and ended up in a bad neighbourhood at 3am and Jenn wasn’t wanting to talk to me out of anger for something. Finally after sitting next to a guy with a prostitute and seeing a bunch of police who told us to get out of the area if we didn’t want trouble, we sprang for a cab. I remember driving back to our hotel in the 3am streetlight and the total fear and lonliness I felt.
When I listen to this song I imagine the evening but if I had rather seen it as an adventure, if I had felt invincible and courageous as we explored parts of London most tourists never saw. I imagine Jenn and I looking out the cab windows singing songs and laughing and pointing at landmarks and the cab driver shaking his head in confusion.
Sometimes life looks better in retrospect.. I had everything to lose back then, and I’ve lost almost all of it, and I happily remember that scary night, and wonder at times what life would be like if I were an adenturer, fearless, if my life had a techno soundtrack and occured against the London Skyline in the dead of night..