- The concept of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has often been misunderstood to mean that God is three different persons, and can only be one person at a time. In fact, many people believe that the concept of the Trinity contradicts the oneness of God! The doctrine of the Trinity is however crucial to the understanding of the nature and character of God. Below are a few pointers that will shed light on the topic of God in Christianity – one or three.
Illustrations that describe the Trinity
- There are several illustrations that one can use to describe the Trinity. First, picture the Trinity as a triangle whose three corners are simultaneous and inseparable. Each corner constitutes an important part of the triangle – without it, there is no triangle!
- Consider a pencil, which is made of different substances but is used for only one purpose – writing. Also, the universe as you see it is held together by space, matter and time. Time, on the other hand, consists of the past, present, and future.
- You can also picture the Trinity as a human body. Though each part of the body has its own function, it can only carry out this function when attached to the body. Each part is unique in structure and function, but without the essence of the body, it is useless. In the same way, the three members of the Trinity, though distinct from one another, exist and co-exist in the same essence.
- As a final illustration, consider the human mind. The mind of man is capable of thinking thoughts and expressing words, i.e. the mind, thoughts, and words are one! If you now think of God as one mind, the mind itself depicts God the Father, the words depict God the Son, and the thoughts depict the Holy Spirit.
- You know how 1+1+1 equals 3? God the Father + God the Son + God the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity!
- The illustrations above clearly explain the God in Christianity – one or three theory.
Where is the Trinity referred to in the Bible?
Here are a few examples…
- The word ‘Elohim” was used in the book of Genesis, where God says, “Let us make man.” The word ‘us’ here refers to the Trinity.
- The three men who appeared to Abraham (Ibrahim) at the door of his tent were a visual depiction of the Trinity.
- In the New Testament, both God and Jesus are referred to as the Savior, because they carry out the same divine work.
- When Jesus was issuing the Great Commission, he commanded the disciples to go out and baptize new converts in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Why is it important to understand the Trinity?
- God in Christianity – one or three, is best understood from the viewpoint of the Gospel because the doctrine of the Trinity is necessary for understanding the nature and character of the one God.
- First, the incarnation (birth of Jesus Christ in the flesh – human form) needed the efforts of the three persons in the Trinity. The Father sent the Son, the Son went to the earth, and the Holy Spirit empowered the Son while on earth, resulting in the account of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that forms the core of the gospel message.
- Secondly, the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts people of sin, drawing them to salvation through the Son, thus restoring their relationship with the Father.
- Thirdly, a correct understanding of who God is enables one to understand his nature and worship him with a full understanding of the gift of salvation that is made available through his Son, knowing well that it is through the Holy Spirit that one gets to know about salvation in the first place.
God in Christianity – one or three
- The God of Christianity is one, and three! The Trinity ‘triangle’ shows how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit connect to fulfill the same purpose – to reveal God’s love for mankind. Through these three persons, mankind gets to see how a God of love uses his three persons to reach out to people on earth who desperately need to have a glimpse of real love – God’s love.