I was taught in American history that G.I. Joe was started to help the army recruit me into the general infantry and to make daily tasks of military life at the lowest rank seem action-filled.
This movie was basically driven by 3 factors:
American-style Violence
I’d like to refilm the movie shot by shot and just show all the civilians (and 1 polar bear) die. The cars that are choreographed to spin and blow up, and the babies and families inside dying for a vaguely liberal cause that just seeks to re-establish the order of America as military power #1. Imagine a popular action film where France was the dominant military power in the world at the end. It would be seen as a horror-movie. Any non-Anglospheric country is a bad guy if it isn’t humorous and stereotypical or in bowed subservience to the altar of Washington.
For a country in a war (Iraq) where over 1000 times the amount of native civilians were killed as a result of the formal cause (september 11th, 2001), you could see how this movie functions as an apologia. By making America the perpetual good-guys you can kill Parisian civilians in graphically entertaining ways and it doesn’t matter because it’s all for the ‘greater good’ which is American perseverance.
I think the greater good would’ve been non-violence. If the Americans never bought the weapons that the movie was centred around, none of this would happen. If everyone on earth, or at least a large portion of people just refused to fight unless it was just, there would be no international arms trade to villanize on screen. (Ironically America is the world’s largest international arms dealer which is conveniently left out).
The Bad guy of G.I. Joe was an arms dealer who sells weapons to both sides, AMERICA sells weapons to both sides, HELLO! Iran-Iraq war anyone? ring any bells?
I’ll put it this way, I searched Sienna Miller on Google and I couldn’t find a picture clean enough to post on here.
Since when did supermodels with abnormally large bust-sizes join the army, and since when does the army allow women to have shoulder length, perfectly styled hair?
This of course is the West’s favourite new god, from the iPod to GPS to “nanomyte war heads” Steve Jobs is the Muhammad of the 21st century. The whole film had strange super-technology that deified the humans who use it. It empowered them in a pseudo-Nietzschean Overman-esque way that makes people think materialism is fun and exciting and that man is the measure of all things. Cancer in the film was destroyed by the technology and the G.I. Joes had super-human / evolved human powers and were pretty much invulnerable. Life is frail, and the thing 21st century man still fears most is death. But unlike the other generations he is failing to think about it at all. Technology is the new god that can save him from whatever fears he places in it’s trust. This is not only untrue, it’s idolatrous.
Such was the film which will probably be followed by numerous sequels.
I’m still waiting for a movie about St. Thomas Aquinas or Aristotle or “Virtue Heroes” who captivate the audience with their Prudence, Temperance, Wisdom and Fortitude.