I’m writing to express my desire and kind request to you for your help. I’m currently serving as a Pastor at Healing gospel centre, Halleluyah church Eldoret, Kenya. I’m the director of Ministry of Missions and Discipleship.
I’m married to my dear wife Martha and together we have four children. I have been serving as a Pastor for the last 9 years and my thirst to reach out to the unreached people is great.
In 2004, i was admitted at Discipleship University, a distance learning campus of Lee University USA. Due to financial constraint, however, to date I have not been able to begin my studies for a four year degree course in Christian Ministries…My monthly income is $US 50.only.I also have enormous family responsibilities.
I also have a vision to reach out to other Nations within East Africa and beyond to preach the gospel. The training will enable me be equipped for the gospel.
Besides, I also need funds to buy instruments, i.e. Key boards, guitars, Drum sets, Speakers and a Van for the same purpose.
Please, kindly help us get funds for Missions and Discipleship and to enable me train at the said University and other living expenses. My children have been set away for fees severally, and this is a shame to the body of Christ. My wife is not employed and she serves alongside me in the Ministry of intercession.
Looking forward to your response soon.
Grace and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Antony Wabuge Wanjala,
- P.o box 30100-6773,
- Eldoret, Kenya.
- Cell 254-721575573 or 254-710365033