There’s nothing revolutionary in this post, just a bland old post about grace.
St. Paul prays for the church in Galatia that they would:
“know what the hope is of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.” – Galatians 1:18
When we were praying the Liturgy of the Hours tonight at our CLM meeting (, I was overwhelmed thinking of God and all he has done for us, and “the abundant riches of his grace, in his bounty towards us in Christ Jesus.” (Gal 2:7).
One of my favourite verses is Acts 17:28 “in Him we live and move and have our being”.
We were talking about the total reconcilliation offered, of reconcilliation with God, ourselves, others, and even creation. It’s was a simple reminder of the outstretched hand of God, graciously welcoming us into his triune life to become partakers in the divine nature (2 Pet 1:4).
I’ve come to see how everything in my life that’s bad, has been the result of something I’ve done, and how God has offered – and continues to offer – chances of escape. In my mind and in my words I am desirous of redemption, of reconcilliation, but in my lifestyle it is still largely an unpracticed theory.
I can’t wait till Saturday, I get to go to Confession, it’s been too long. If I believe the Enemy has done anything in my life up to this point, I know it’s been: trying to keep me away from Confession.
As I contemplate it more and more, I really have made Chesterton’s answer my own, I became Roman Catholic to have my sins forgiven.
Thank you Lord for the reconcilliation of Christ, whom will one day be “all in all”.
p.s. A Presbyterian guy in our group, who has been investigating the Catholic faith, said tonight that he was going to enter the Catholic Church. He said so right after I told him to figure out his own Presbyterian beliefs first because it was a rich tradition, etc and only after understanding it, could he understand how Catholicism was different. But he didn’t listen to me. In any case, God be praised for another pilgrim to our Holy Roman Church.