In the early 20th century, when Italy was trying to pass for a second string Imperial power, it decided to invade Ethiopia. While no doubt, Britain, Germany, or France could’ve accomplished so pusillanimous a goal, Dante’s descendants could not, and were eventually driven back. In short, when the Ethiopian Emperor (and alleged Black Christ, see: Rastafarianism) and his forces … [Read more...]
An Episode of Demonic Possession in Reformation Germany
-EDIT: I just noticed this story occurred on Halloween! / "the Eve of all Saints"/ all Hallows eve...- One of the countries hardest hit by the Existential crisis of the Reformation, was Germany. Families were divided, and people had to choose whether to cast their lot with the old religion or the new faith as the match was commonly described. It is commonly said in Canadian … [Read more...]
St. Irenaeus of Lyons
Today is the feast of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, one of the most important early Christian writers. He was an apologist for the faith and wrote a famous work called "Against Heresies". This lengthy work is very early and so many apologists of modern confession positions (Catholics & Protestants) use it to prove their own system. Just look at one section. In Book III, … [Read more...]
Catholic Ghostbuster
It's the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes today, which is pretty much the most respected Marian Ghost thing we've ever had. The only apparation I've ever read about was Fatima, and I don't really believe it. For the same reason I didn't believe people had the gift of tongues when I worked in a Pentecostal church, and the same reason I don't believe being 'slain in the spirit' is … [Read more...]