(I want to begin by saying that I'm not quite sure about what I've written and have gone back and forth many times on this issue, so forgive me if I mispoke) As I said yesterday, Bonhoeffer is laid claim to by Conservative Evangelicals and Liberal Protestants as 'theirs'. This is because in a sense he was both. What do I mean? A Conservative Evangelical is merely a … [Read more...]
Bonhoeffer -Part 2- Why Does He Matter?
For some 40 years after Bonhoeffer's death, scholars both historical and theological debated over the legacy of Bonhoeffer. Was he the property of Liberals? or of Conservatives? What really were his views on this or that topic. The problem was compounded by the fact that Bonhoeffer later cryptically wrote that almost all his writing was done while he wasn't even a Christian … [Read more...]
Bonhoeffer – Part 1 – The Biography
I thought of writing a few posts about Dietrich Bonhoeffer since he's become popular again with the printing of Eric Metaxas new book "Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy". In order to give a brief biographical sketch the following is a summary of his life I wrote for a paper during my MA. To briefly summarize the relevant history, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German … [Read more...]
Russian Arrest of Hooligans and Counter-Revolution
Historically Russia has had a long tradition of government repression of liberalism. The Tsars crushed the first democratic rebels at the turn of the century, and one of the priests leading them allegedly lost his faith when he saw the Tsar's forces attack the poor, shouting 'there is no Tsar, there is no God'. The two were firmly linked in the Russian consciousness. Orlando … [Read more...]
Devotion to Christ the Worker
While studying Christian Socialism in England for my Master's paper, I found an interesting devotion that was spoken of amidst the working class and the defenders of the worker. One Christian Socialist wrote during the First World War: "Your scented and curled and comfortable little god on a nicely gilt crucifix is not the God of butchered soldiers and broken women and … [Read more...]