In honor of Saint Cyprian's feast day tomorrow I was reading some of his epistles and found an interesting paragraph where the bishop writes about the Eucharist and Justification by faith. Curiously, Cyprian refers to the Eucharist both as the body/blood and bread/wine. He also seems to agree with the evangelical doctrine of St. Paul that we are justified by faith before God … [Read more...]
Feast of St. Augustine
Today the Latin / Western Church commemorates St. Augustine of Hippo. One great ecclesiastical historian around here has called him the grandfather of the Western Church. Jaroslav Pelikan said that the whole of catholic history was the church's struggle to understand and implement the doctrines of St. Augustine, and BB Warfield famously wrote that the Reformation was the … [Read more...]
St. Monica
For those of you who haven't read the Confessions of St. Augustine, St. Monica, is remembered as the gracious doctor's mother. She prayed for Augustine for over seventeen years, that he would be converted to the true faith. As the phrase usually goes: Augustine wouldn't have been a saint unless Monica had. The episode reminds me of a story wherein Pope Paul VI upon becoming … [Read more...]
Parish Ale: Beer in Church, a Lengthy Tradition
In the middle ages (and in some places even until now) the parish was the centre of community life. There would be dances and celebrations in the church, as well as meetings of almost every kind. Some people stored valuables there, feeling that no one would dare rob such a sacred place. One Tradition I found out recently though was the brewing of beer for different feasts … [Read more...]
Reforming Advent: 'Kris Kringle'
For students of history a fundamental law of the discipline seems to be that history is simply doomed to repeat itself. As we've looked at Advent traditions throughout the previous posts we've gone through most of the disciplines, prayers, and celebrations we think of when we imagine Christmas and all its symbolism and practice. Trees, Wreaths, the Date/Calendar, and Saint … [Read more...]