The argument from inconsistent revelations is a common case made by atheists but decreasingly popular, in a less religious culture. In short it says that because so many religions preach different ways to Heaven, then choosing any one of them is mathematically risky and foolish because you could be wrong. Thus it’s better not to choose a religion and be agnostic. However … [Read more...]
St. Anselm of Canterbury's 'Evangelical' Faith
Wikipedia has been my true alma mater in so many ways, however there are days when something irks me in its endless pages. If we understand Evangelical to mean one who is a Christian and places their faith in the saving life, death, and resurrection of Jesus who meritted their salvation, then Evangelicalism can hardly be said to have emerged in the 17th century. The Middle … [Read more...]
John Donne excerpt from Old St. Paul's in London
A person could get lost in the history of St. Paul's Cathedral (London). Just the famous Deans of St Paul's is a venerable list of churchmen. Most readers will know Canon Henry Scott Holland from his "Death is nothing at all" quotation used at countless funerals. As for the building itself and the fire of London, I've seen multi-hour programs just on Christopher Wren and St. … [Read more...]
Tolkien says that it is what all literature is ultimately about.I don't know if he's right, but I've been thinking about it, and Heidegger's philosophy that Man is a being-toward-death"What doth it profit a man if he gain the world world and forfeit his soul" - Mk. 8:36I wonder if I'll ever overcome the friday anxiousness over saturday confession. … [Read more...]
No One Makes It Out Alive – Death & Gratitude
I was listening to Reformed Minister Steve Brown talking on the radio the other day, and he said something great and unexpected. A caller asked about 2012 and if it would be the end of the world, and oddly, Steve Brown started to tell a story about St. Francis of Assisi and how he answered when asked what he would do if today was the day Jesus was returning -while working in … [Read more...]