The argument from inconsistent revelations is a common case made by atheists but decreasingly popular, in a less religious culture. In short it says that because so many religions preach different ways to Heaven, then choosing any one of them is mathematically risky and foolish because you could be wrong. Thus it’s better not to choose a religion and be agnostic. However … [Read more...]
The Borgias and the Lutheran Reformation
I consider myself a very Traditional and Catholic Lutheran. I love the Roman Catholic Church, and I hope and pray for the day when the Lutheran Gospel of salvation by grace alone will be sounded in its Cathedrals, and the Church reunited. In any case, in my sojourning outside the Roman Communion, I still enjoy getting glimpses of it and feel a need to keep learning about the … [Read more...]
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Today Christ's Church commemorates the feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria, leaving many to ask: Who was St. Cyril? Where is Alexandria? Why do weird popish - baby dunking - Christians like Andrew celebrate him? Besides the obvious reason that he's slavishly devoted to men in robes, candles, and chants. Well: -St. Cyril expelled the Novationists from Alexandria. What's a … [Read more...]
St. Anselm of Canterbury's 'Evangelical' Faith
Wikipedia has been my true alma mater in so many ways, however there are days when something irks me in its endless pages. If we understand Evangelical to mean one who is a Christian and places their faith in the saving life, death, and resurrection of Jesus who meritted their salvation, then Evangelicalism can hardly be said to have emerged in the 17th century. The Middle … [Read more...]
The Person of Jesus – The Subject of the Sacraments
On my retreat this weekend I had a sort of mini revelation. I just wrote down on a piece of paper: 'Lex Christi est Persona Christi' (probably incorrect Latin) - The Law of Christ is the Person of Christ. After I made a few minor errors during Confession I felt like I had 'done it wrong' and then fears began coming up of Baptismal invalidity, etc. I then remembered St. … [Read more...]