"one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." - Jesus (Lk. 12:15) This post was inspired by a story I read from the Onion today that was incredibly accurate in its satire. Every time I meet someone I know in the streets or see a person at a party, the question that almost immediately arises is "where are you working?" For Anglo-Americans work is a … [Read more...]
Hymn History: For All The Saints
William How was an Englishman born to a middle-upper class family in Shrewsbury. He attended Oxford in the heyday of the Tractarians and the Oxford Movement, of conservative Anglican churchmen professing the catholic faith in reaction to the growing Liberalism of Britain. How was ordained the year after Newman's defection to Rome, and no doubt was caught up in the midst of … [Read more...]
The Borgias and the Lutheran Reformation
I consider myself a very Traditional and Catholic Lutheran. I love the Roman Catholic Church, and I hope and pray for the day when the Lutheran Gospel of salvation by grace alone will be sounded in its Cathedrals, and the Church reunited. In any case, in my sojourning outside the Roman Communion, I still enjoy getting glimpses of it and feel a need to keep learning about the … [Read more...]
Clerical Celibacy, Tradition, and Facts
"...when baptized he is attached at once to the rank of readers or exorcists, if, that is, it is clear that he had or has one wife and that he received her as a virgin. Two years after his initiation having elapsed, he can be made an acolyte and subdeacon for five more, and thus can be advanced to the diaconate, if during these times he was judged worthy. Then subsequently, … [Read more...]
St. Nicholas: Bruce Wayne of the Ancient Church
Since I've been posting on Advent, I thought I'd also examine the Christian History of Santa. Most people know that Santa Claus also possesses the moniker: Saint Nic. Yet does anyone know who St. Nicholas was? Well he was bearded, but he was hardly a pasty white northerner surrounded by snow and reindeer. Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in the 3rd and 4th centuries. Now … [Read more...]