The argument from inconsistent revelations is a common case made by atheists but decreasingly popular, in a less religious culture. In short it says that because so many religions preach different ways to Heaven, then choosing any one of them is mathematically risky and foolish because you could be wrong. Thus it’s better not to choose a religion and be agnostic. However … [Read more...]
This Vale of Tears: Leo, Fenelon, and Greene on Christian Life
"nothing is more effectual in prevailing with God than that a man should judge himself and never cease from asking pardon, knowing that he is never without fault. For human nature has this flaw ... from the corruptible body springs that which may corrupt the soul also. Hence although the inner man be now reborn in Christ and rescued from the bonds of captivity, it has unceasing … [Read more...]
Bernard of Clairvaux, the Proto-Anabaptists, and Holy Communion
"If there be anyone stained with crime, and driven headlong by despair to the pit of destruction, let him call upon this life-giving name, and he will speedily be restored to hope and salvation. Is there anyone amongst you in hardness of heart, in sloth, or tepidity, in bitterness of mind, if he will but invoke the name of Jesus his heart will be softened, and tears of … [Read more...]
An Episode of Demonic Possession in Reformation Germany
-EDIT: I just noticed this story occurred on Halloween! / "the Eve of all Saints"/ all Hallows eve...- One of the countries hardest hit by the Existential crisis of the Reformation, was Germany. Families were divided, and people had to choose whether to cast their lot with the old religion or the new faith as the match was commonly described. It is commonly said in Canadian … [Read more...]
Sin and Reconciliation
A friend of mine who is a Pastor's daughter once said her father was accused of only preaching the same message, and he responded that it was not his choice, but God's, and that God had only told him to speak on that issue.In my own personal religious life, a similar situation has occured. I am unable to overcome a sin, the proverbial thorn in the flesh, and God and/or Satan … [Read more...]