Historically Russia has had a long tradition of government repression of liberalism. The Tsars crushed the first democratic rebels at the turn of the century, and one of the priests leading them allegedly lost his faith when he saw the Tsar's forces attack the poor, shouting 'there is no Tsar, there is no God'. The two were firmly linked in the Russian consciousness. Orlando … [Read more...]
Vive La Counter-Revolution!
(News of the Christian Revolution spreads more slowly than those of its competitors, but for those of you in need of some, here's a great story of Muslims converting to Christianity in Germany) When the Communists took power in Vietnam the Marxists followed a pattern going back to 1870 when the Communards of Paris shot their city’s archbishop. Most priests and Christian … [Read more...]
"The Star", The Mars Lander, and Theological Presuppositions
Chesterton once described the popular Atheistic rhetoricians of his day who waxed romantic about the size of the universe like a jailor trying to console a prisoner by saying ‘there, there, it is a rather large prison’. I couldn’t help but notice that so little has changed in the 80 odd years since he wrote it. (Last night apparently NASA’s space craft and explorer to Mars … [Read more...]
The Strangers in my Life
I just finised reading, for my existential philosophy class, a book called "The Stranger" by Albert Camus. Camus was a famous existentialist atheist and this is one of his 'great' works. The one thing I like about the Atheist existentialists (probably the only thing I like about them) is their logical consistency / systematic thinking. For them, there really can be no … [Read more...]
American History and Christianity
I got in a fight with someone about whether or not America's founders were Christian, in the 3 courses I've had on American History, all my professors have said that the founders were either Deists, Atheists, Agnostics or Unitarians. But apparently in the American South they still teach that they were Christians....kind of like the Ku Klux Klan were the heroes in post civil-war … [Read more...]