“Our Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor profound thoughts. Neither intelligence nor talents. He cherishes simplicity.” – St. Therese of Lisieux
I read a short biography of St. Therese tonight and was absolutely amazed. I mean absolutely amazed. I can’t even fathom ever having such a holy attitude… Before she died she said: “I have reached the point of not being able to suffer any more, because all suffering is sweet to me.”
Interestingly enough I could relate most to her parents. Her father wanted to be a priest and her mother wanted to be a nun, but they both decided they didn’t have call and eventually had 9 children and wanted them to enter consecrated life. I was thinking about her parents and realized, if they hadn’t been married, St. Therese would never have been born, and people like Mother Theresa wouldn’t have had that inspiration from her story. Married people aren’t generally saints, but it’s good to remember that they’re the ones who raise the saints.
Anyway, very great Saint.
Therese of Lisieux pray for me, that I might find some portion of the love you had for Jesus, by his grace. Amen.
Devin Rose says
St. Therese is my patron saint.
Also, her parents are Blessed now. 🙂
God bless you Andrew!
Kindred Spirit says
A beautiful post, Andrew; thank you for sharing your thoughts on dear Saint Therese. There is a wonderful book by Father Jean C.J. d'Elbee entitled "I Believe In Love" which is actually based on Saint Therese's writings as Father dE'bee used them for retreats which he gave; I highly recommend it to you. May God bless you and Our Lady protect you. You are in my daily prayers.