Greetings in the most precious name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I am pastor/missionary Tom Mboya Opiyo. Currently I am a missionary in Kenya in Africa among a people of Cattle called the MAASAI in a place called Narok in the Rift Valley province of Kenya. God led me to contact you as I prayerfully read what you do via the internet. Thank you brethren for the great work you do for the expansion of the Kingdom of God by helping people who are poor and desperate to get education.
I have given a brief overview of my current ministry work. I request your organization to prayerfully consider working in partnership with our ministry for the sake of proclaiming the Gospel with the urgency the Gospel requires by supporting the children , pupils and students who desperately need education sponsorship We genuinely need your support in that regard as we do indigenous missionary work among needy people in Africa.
Our ministry is involved in doing many things with very limited resources. That includes,
1. Missions and missionary work
2. Church planting
3. Discipleship
4. Teaching ministries
5. Kingdom business enterprises income generating initiatives
6. Widows/oprphans/destitute support/care
7. Community development projects/programs as evangelistic tools
8. Children/youth/women and family ministries
9. Church/christian networking
10. Education support and sponsorship programmes
I am struggling with all those programs and many of them are not doing well because of the poor African environments where I work. I need your prayer, support and expertise.
More information about the needy children, pupils and students is given below for your easy reference. Thank you and may the Almighty God richly bless you. I look forward to your help and to hear from you.
Remember that your service is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
In God’s humble service,
I am Pastor/Missionary Tom Mboya Opiyo born in Kawino Location, Kadibo Division, and Kisumu District in Nyanza Province of Kenya. My parents (both are dead) were Mr. Opiyo Ochia and Mrs. Margaret Opiyo Ngode. My parents had 8 children (4 boys and 4 girls) but 2 of my brothers died before they attained the age of 30 years. I am married to Eunice and currently we have three children, two of our own and one adopted child. Both the children are boys.
I believed in and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal saviour and Lord in August 1989 at a local Africa Inland Church (A.I.C) in my home area called Kibarwa A.I.C. At that time, I was still in High School. God called me into the ministry and in His noble work 15 years ago when I had just finished High School and I had also undergone some theological and Christian trainings. Since then, I have served God as a Missionary in several African Countries, including Kenya and with different Evangelical Christian Ministries and churches at national and regional levels.
Currently, my wife and I are serving God with People For Jesus International Ministries as missionaries among the Maasai Community in Narok District and especially within Narok town and Maasai villages within Narok town and its vicinity. We also do ministry and mission work in other parts of Kenya and the world as God necessitates. Dynamic Empowerment of church members and people of our target areas is vital in our ministry activities.
My personal Christian beliefs, practices and adherences are as follows.
1. I believe that the HOLY BIBLE is Gods final revelation and constitutes our all sufficient rule of faith and practices – II Timothy 3: 16 – 17.
2. I believe in PERSONAL SALVATION by faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ by which sinners are regenerated (born again) through repentance – Romans 5: 12 – 21
3. I believe that God eternally exists in three persons, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and that these three are but one God – John 1: 18; 15:26; 17:11; Zachariah 14: 9; Matthew 28: 19.
4. I believe in BAPTISM OF MUCH WATER BY IMMERSION as an outward sign of burial to the old nature – Romans 6: 4 and as an act of obedience in fulfilling all righteousness – Matthew 3: 15.
5. I believe that the CHURCH consists of persons who have been regenerated (born again/saved) by the Holy Spirit and made new creatures in Christ Jesus – Ephesians 1: 22 – 23; 2: 22; 1 Peter 1: 23.
6. I believe that ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory of God, and that through the death and risen power of Christ, all who believe in Him can be saved from the penalty and power of sin – Genesis 1: 26 – 31; 3: 1 – 7; Romans 5: 12; 1 Peter 1:23.
7. I believe in the Literal, Personal and Physical second return of our Lord Jesus Christ – 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 – 17; Titus 2: 13; 2 Peter 3: 13.
8. I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost (Being filled with the Holy Ghost) for every believer and in the gifts of the Holy Ghost – Acts 2:4, 38 – 39; 10: 46; 19: 6; 1 Corinthians 12.
9. I believe that Rulers and Governments are ordained by God – Romans 13: 3 – 4.
10. I believe that the church must be economically, socially and in all spheres of life empowered such that there is no lack in the church as an agent of spiritual and divine transformation in the world Acts 4: 33 – 34; Ephesians 2: 10.
11. I believe that Satan/Devil exists to oppose and try to frustrate God’s plans and purposes – 1 John 3:8; 1 Peter 5:8.
12. I believe in the ETERNAL conscious bliss of all true believers in Christ and also in the eternal conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire of all who reject our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – Revelation 19: 20; 20: 10 –
13. I belive in the FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers; that they must be a part of the church of Jesus Christ – Ephesians 4:11-12
People For Jesus International Ministries (PFJIM) was founded in Narok District by Pastor Tom Opiyo and his wife Eunice in February 2006. Pastor Tom Opiyo is a Missionary who has calling in areas of Church planting, teaching/discipleship, pastoral ministries, church leadership, and evangelism (outreach). I (Pastor Tom) also believe in empowering church members in their different areas of call, giftedness, potential and need so that we have a Christian Community where all serve God without hindrances. PFJIM is a Kenyan indigenous founded church that has church ministries locally, nationally and internationally. Currently, the headquarters is at Narok town within the Republic of Kenya . In Kenya , we work under the affiliation of Mustard Seed Ministries Church run by Apostle James Okech, but we do our operations autonomously. The Narok Church currently has about 100 members and we fellowship within Narok town at a tent, which we use for church activities and programs.
THE VISION OF PFJIM: To make true disciples of Jesus Christ in all the nations and to empower them spiritually, socially, intellectually and economically so that the disciples can declare the glory of God in all the earth.
Narok District is located in the Rift Valley within Kenya and has a population of about 600,000. The population comprises mainly (85 percent) pastoralists called the Maasai people, otherwise called the people of the cattle. The Maasai are the indigenous people here. Narok town is the district headquarters where most facilities can be obtained. The town has a population of about 30,000 people mainly comprising the Maasai tribe. Other tribes are also here for business and farming e.g. Kikuyu, Kisii, Luo, Luhyia, Kamba, Meru e.t.c. The town is growing rapidly but lacks many modern facilities. Farming in large scale e.g. wheat farming, barley, maize, beans is done in Narok District but mainly done by non-natives. The place is generally dry/dusty if there is no rain but green and flooded if it rains. Majority are traditionalists who believe in the Maasai traditional cultures and customs. Christians are the majority religion but born again believers are not many. Other religions present are Islam (which follows after the number of Christians), Hinduism, Cults and Occultism.
Narok is a host to one of the Seven Wonders of the World called Maasai Mara National Park .
The district is mainly bushy and wild with many kinds of wildlife.
Our current target area is Narok town and its adjacent Maasai villages of Bobong’, Kipangas and Olopito. The population in this area is about 40,000 people. There are about 20 protestant evangelical churches with Pentecostal inclination. Other Christian affiliated denominations are about 15.
Narok town and its environs attract many tourists and hence sexual immorality is rampant. One district hospital serves a big population. Water supply from Narok River is polluted and insufficient in town and not available in villages. Education standards are low – (illiteracy rate of about 60% in general but in other villages illiteracy rate is about 85%) due to remoteness and other factors. Many lack daily income due to lack of industries among other factors. Majority Christians not properly discipled because most pastors/church leaders are either working for the government or engaged in other work to generate income. Many church leaders are also not trained or ill-trained. Majorities are unemployed and lack good sources of income.
1. Penetrate the unreached and marginalized areas of Kenya , Africa and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Plant biblically sound churches in Kenya and beyond in which Christians worship God freely in truth and in the spirit.
3. Work with churches, church related programs, and other organizations that share same vision and mission.
4. Mobilize resources for social action in developing needy communities.
5. Mobilize the church for missions and missionary work locally, nationally and internationally.
6. Send called and well trained Christians into service in different areas of call and service.
7. Give financial support to missionaries, ministers and Christian workers/servants.
8. Establish and run academic and theological learning institutions, schools, colleges and universities. Strive to support and sponsor children, students and pupils who are unable to continue with their education for whatever reasons related to lack of funds/lack of educational resources.
9. Establish and run community-based institutions such as health clinics, hospitals, orphanages, widows care/support, e.t.c.
The Students
Currently, we need help for those Ninety One needy cases of education. Please help us. All those children, pupils and students have their full details with us including family profile, background, schools they learn, school fees and other necessary deatils you may want. We shall avail all the information you may want in order to help those needy children. Please email for more detailed information on the students and there needs
P.O. BOX 1008 , Narok, 20500, KENYA , EAST AFRICA
TEL: 254-721-2044 47; 254 727-0251 21; 254-736-574413
Servant of Christ says
Hello dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I am servant of God .I want to tell you about a Pakistani person who is not a Pastor but called a Pastor on internet to earn money in the name of Jesus. The spirit of DEVIL is working in HIM and He is deceiving the believers of Christ. If you want to know any thing about him you can contact with me on the following ID.
I can help you to understand to him.
God Bless You All Believers!
Servant of God
Dear pastor J. PRABHUDAS,
Greetings in Christ. I am so glad that you are doing your part in the Great Commission of Christ to us. May God renew your strength and meet all your needs in the mission station where you serve Him according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I am likely to be in Pakistan in September 2010 and I will find out where you are if God avails the opportunity. Let us pray for one another so that we get to know what we can do together in the work of God’s Kingdom.
God be with you as you serve Him with your whole heart.
Missionary pastor Tom Opiyo,
Dear Evangelist Shahid,
Glory to God. I am glad that you are doing what God has called you to do. Keep on fulfilling your God-given call and do not let go of it. WE are praying so that we can know how best we can work together to fulfill our call in disciple making. PLease let me know other things you may want us to do together so that we pray and see what God is leading us to do.
God bless you and greet all the servants of God with you.
Missionary pastor Tom Opiyo,
pastor Asif Mubarak says
Dear Pastor Asif Mubarak,
Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for the good work you do in Pakistan. I may be visiting Pakistan in six churches in September 2010. I am not sure if your ministry is included. If I come, I will look for you. Keep on doing God’s service and we shall pray and see what we can do together to the glory of Christ. God bless you and greet the saints with you.
Missionary pastor Tom OPiyo
Pastor Asif Mubark says
May His Grace and Peace be with you Friend.
I hope that this letter finds you in the best of yours health and spirit. We are also keeping well by the grace of God.
We feel truly blessed by God, having the privilege to work in His service. We work as a ministry in Pakistan called Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan
Our goals are to help ease the suffering endured by persecuted Christians at the hands of the religious extreme fundamentalists and to work to restore a peace between the peoples. We also do what we can to educate the poor, to give them strength and hope to carry out their lives.
Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan wants to help to educate the young children in reading, writing and arithmetic. We want to see them grow up educated and ready to face any challenge life may throw their way. We also want to see their parents and the elderly benefit from the Holy Scriptures being read in their homes to give them strength and courage to face the day. We are confident that we can return pride back to those who have lost everything, just because they long to serve Jesus Christ.
Jesus commanded us with the beatitudes to care for those less fortunate than us. It is not enough to see the scourge of Satan across the backs of the hurting, but to do something about it. Join with us, and we will change what we can together!
We do need your support in our Orphanages and formal education schools as every children in the school are studying free of cost and getting books, note books, stationeries, uniform, shoes and Etc…..
This ministry is handling with Sunday schools in Gojra and Near Villages where Catch The Holy Fire Ministery Pakistan teaching about Bible and Christ. Sunday school manages to show the Christian Movies and provide them with Christian Story Books to make the learning easy and comprehendible.
Sunday Schools also have choirs. Children learn about new Christian Songs in native Language. Choirs some times perform in conventions and in churches as well.
Children on the streets are very much likely to risk their lives indulging into drugs and the ministries wishes them to lead health lives after getting treated.
Our visitation group is sharing the love of Christ with the handicapped children and adults. We are weekly arranging seminars and programs to share the word of God with these people and children.
Operation soul winning is a special outreach programme to win many souls and share the love of God in summer & Holidays in Rural &urban areas, with Literature distribution, film ministries, open air meetings, crusades etc..
(7) Orphans:
We are working with Orphans, Semi Orphans and Street Children.
We invite the Mission partners to come here in Pakistan join us and reach these souls. We monthly and weekly organize prayer meetings in the communities and there is open platform for International Preachers, Church Pastors, Evangelistic and Missionary brethren to come and Labour with us in the harvest of the Lord.
Please keep us in your mission fields and areas of Ministries and to uphold us in prayer & financial support. If you are willing, we will send you mission news updates through Email or post. We can send you invitation letter if you are interested to visit and preach in Pakistan among thirsty souls.
Mission partners are requested to start prayer groups (if possible) to pray for our ministries.
Our formal Education Schools
Our Sunday Schools
Our Handicapped Centre
Our Free Dispensaries
Operation Soul Winning
Prayer Meetings
May God richly bless and keep you. May Face His smile upon you and His light keep burning yours heart. May His Love, Peace and Joy be with you.
We hope that we will more communication with you.
In Christ’s Merits,
Pastor Asif Mubark
Catch TheHoly Fire Ministery Pakistan
Alfred Tarley says
Dear pastor/Missionary Tom Mboya Opiyo,
We bring you greeting from Liberia West Africa,
Thank you very much for the great work that your organization is doing arround the world, IWe was touch went we went through your website , we believe that we have the same vision .
To introduce our organization, Each One Reach One Service (EOROS) is Christian basedn organization that was founded in Ghana , at the Buduburam Liberian Refugee Settlement 2007 , now we have return home( Liberia) We have children outreach ministry, christian women group/fellowship, Empowering Rural pastor program,, also network with local churches at the same time we proving services to the needed war effected children, youths and widows.
missionary , we want you to conside us as one of your local implementing partnern christian organization , that will help us achieving our goals.
We will be bless to hear you and the ministies.
May God bless you all.
Best Regard
your partner
Evang, Alfred Tarley
Director of Program
Cell; 231 66 44 451
ajai says
hi any body i need help moeny on my ministry church help me (
shahid gill says
Request for Partnership
Dear Pastor,
Greetings in the most beautiful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am Evangelist Shahid Gill from Pakistan. I am striving to spread the Word of God in Pakistan. My work is to go out into nearest and remote areas and preach the gospel of Christ to Christians and Non Christians of this state.
I do this because our Lord said,
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
Praise God! And so much AMEN to that.
I recently visited your website and am very impressed by the work that you are doing. I truly want to be a member of your ministry/church and work with you as your representative in Pakistan. Please do let me know how can I do it? Thanks.
I also want to express my desire to translate any of your materials into Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki, Pashto, Balochi and Hindko languages. I believe doing this would spread the Word of God among native people into their languages of interest, in Pakistan, India and around the world.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. God bless you.
Your Brother In Christ,
Evangelist Shahid Gill
Mubarakabad, Shorkot Road
Toba Tek Singh 36050
Punjab, Pakistan
Tel: +92-344-6059295
Pastor. J. Prabhudas says
My beloved in Christ,
I Prabhudas from India greetings to you in the name our Lord Christ. I need your kind attention towards this mail. I am very knee on evangelism. I reach hundreds through Gospel meetings, crusades fasting & praying and house visiting. I have special burden for perishing youth and love for the little children. Though I am financially helpless I still helps the destitute and widows and orphans by providing some medicines and garments and food. I opened a door for a new and heart touching ministry of visiting AIDS & HIV patients. Large numbers of people are here suffering due to lake of proper food and clothing and medication are left to fate. Truly when I see these people, my heart is rendering. They have no food for days together; they have no strength to knock the door-to-door begging food. Some are in desperate mood to attend even for nature of calls. I have no words to say about these people unless we look at them. People like you to come forward to their rescue. God laid great and heavy burden on meto work among these desperate people. I therefore have taken up this greatest burden; meeting them, preaching and loading them in gospel. But I seek your help and support in this matter, as I have no capacity to meet their need. In this connection I swear to the fact that every rupee shell be best utilized and spent for these poor children and orphan and old aged people and HIV patients. God provided you all comforts for which I pray God immensely. I therefore request you to kindly pray for these neglected and uncared poor children and widows, old aged people and HIV/AIDS patients believing them as your parents and children. I shell send you report regularly where the service is conducted supported with pictures for prayer. Your love and offerings to this service is much more needed. With the entire burden I have I am not asking for anything but only desires that you should visit the ministry and me and see it yourself. I can arrange some special public meetings and Pastors conferences so that you can personally talk to them to know the true condition of Indian Pastors. A lot is to be done for God and the extension of His Kingdom. India is a free country and God’s grace is abundant on this country. The field is ready to be harvested and Prabhudas Means “Servant of the Lord”! I was born in a staunch Hindu family where worshipping many idols was a serious matter and was done with all the faith I had in them. God’s saving eyes were seeking to save all those who are willing to change. I was saved from the life of idolatry 20 years ago and committed to serve the Lord and thus fulfilling the meaning of my name! Now with my wife and eldest son I fully involve in various ministries in Guntur District. I live in Tenali in Andhra Pradesh. There are currently about some congregations. We are the fellowship of 70 pastors for Tenali division. Mostly our churches are thatched huts. I also educate ten young people a year to take up the ministry in new villages. The harvest is truly plenteous and laborers also plenty but only thing any Indian worker lacks is money. So please pray for the situation here going on. So many people are willing to work for Christ if the minimum needs are met a number of laborers are available with no help to go further. It is a very serious situation but needs only a little understanding. If one does not see it personally it is difficult to understand. Who can come here without burden for the lost souls? You don’t have to be a missionary but first came and see then you will surely become one! God bless you and your household. I am waiting for your advice yours in Christ,
Awaiting for your mail soon,
Yours collaborator in the vineyard of Christ,
Pastor. J. Prabhudas
Coll +91- 93463 37194