Praise the Lord friends,
Thank you very much for your prayers last year when I was moving to ACK St. Hellen’s Parish. The Lord answered the prayers. We have had a very successful ministry and all the glory goes to God.
It is time to move again! I have been transferred to another Parish, still within the Diocese of Nairobi, called ACK St. Parish Tumaini (Hope). The Parish also have three congregation. The positive side is that the Parish does not have a Kikuyu Service but English and Kiswahili services in all the congregations.
I therefore, request you to pray with me on the following prayer points:
Prayer targets for the ACK St. Catherine’s Parish – Tumaini
- Sunday School Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Women Ministry
- Men Ministry
- Parish Church Council and Local Church Councils
- Local Churches
- Lay Readers
- Evangelist
- Praise and Worship Team
- Staff
- Instrumentalists
- Office and Equipments
- Fellowship groups / Cell groups
- Ministries
- · Evangelism
- · Intercessory
- · Bible Studies
- · Fellowships
15. Projects / Developments
Specific Prayer Needs
1. Acceptance, Reception and Support from all
2. Smooth handing over and transition
3. Break through in the ministry – Spiritual growth of the Parish
4. Good will of everyone
5. May we find Humility, Commitment, Love, Unity and Understanding
6. Favour with the Community
7. Favour as in the pastoral ministry
8. Revival in the Parish
9. Break through in Praise and Worship
10. Financial break through in the Parish
I will truly appreciate your prayer for God to go with us and glorify Himself in this new Parish.
Thank very much
God’s blessings
“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel…”
Rev. Simon J. Oriedo
P. O. Box 14814– 00100, GPO
Nairobi – Kenya