African Christian – CHRISTIAN BRETHREN
Dear Brothers and Sisters who are upholding the Lord’s work in your daily prayers in the Southern region of Zambia as an African Christian. We are delighted once again and to get you updated on what the Lord is doing in our lives. The period January – June 2011 was also impacted with a number of activities and we will try to mention some in bit. Our prayer is that as you read through this letter, will cause you to pray even more for the work here. We would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank God for all of you Brothers and Sisters who have taken a keen interest in supporting the Lord’s work in the Southern Province of Zambia. Thank you (twalumba) for being part of what the Lord is doing in our lives.
CHURCH LIFE – We have now introduced a new system of reaching out to people in our community with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Sunday we emphasize on the importance of every believer coming alongside with the unchurched people. When these non believers come to a Sunday morning, the Gospel is preached and this has proved to be working very well in our Assembly. Many people have come to know and accept the Lord Jesus through this program.
Open air preaching – Open air preaching was conducted at the main market of Monze District on Saturday 26th February, 2011. The open air preaching brought many souls into the Kingdom of God.
Pastoral Ministry – I (Smart) have continued with regular Bible teaching and preaching. Personal evangelism with the help of Gospel tracts and booklets have brought many souls into His Kingdom and encouraged many discouraged widows, orphans and chronically ill people as an African Christian.
Ministry to the orphans– The ministry to the orphans and other vulnerable children has continued. We are always delighted to minister to the orphaned children in such a way despite being in a small way.
Seminar – we had conducted a seminar from 5th to 7th May. Brother Murray Grindlay, an Elder at Vivian Street Gospel Hall from Newzealand was the main speaker. The Brother taught on ‘Church History’ and he took us through from the birth of the Church on Pentecostal up to where we are. The Brother was handled the birth of Christian Brethren, the spread and how the movement reached Zambia. The seminar was very helpful as most of the believers at Monze Mission came from other Churches such as SDA, New Apostolic, Jehova’s witnesses and Roman Catholic Church etc.
Couple’s fellowship– We are delighted to inform you that we had couples fellowship and dinner on 20th March and 7th May respectively. Through this fellowship we again targeted unchurched couples and sisters whose husbands are not African Christian. We had a good time to mingle with non believers and at the end we had an opportunity to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus’ Christ to them.
Conference – I (Smart) was privileged to be part of the conference that took place in Kabwe from 13th -19th January. The conference was organized by Ambassador for Christ in Zambia, an organization involved in church planting. The conference attracted Pastors, Evangelists and teachers from all the nine provinces of Zambia.
Church visitation – preaching and teaching to various local Assemblies in the Southern Province have continued. On 27th February I had a privilege to speak at Kafue Road Bridge, on 24th April I spoke at Livingstone Central while I spoke at Kazungula Mission Chapel and Dambwa CMML Church on 29th May and 26th June respectively.-
Family Highlights Florence continues with her day to day work as a Prevention Primary Provider under Centre for Infections Research in Zambia (CIDRZ). She has also been a great help to many sisters not only at our local Church but other local Assemblies for African Christian as well. Of course we are not forgetting the task of taking care of us all at home.
Mapalo– We praise God that our daughter has tremendously improved health wise. Thank you once again for all your tremendous support during our daughter’s illness. Bupe– Our youngest boy is fine. He is now able to walk and talk.
Ministry Needs
Bibles and Christian Books – Many of the new people that we have made contacts with do not have Bibles for their own and other African Christian books to help them grow spiritually. Therefore, we would appreciate your support in terms of books and Bibles even used ones.
Tents – In many places we go for church planting and strengthening, we have a challenge of the meeting place. Therefore, we are trusting God as a meeting place for church planting work.
Bicycles/Motobike – we are trusting God for bicycles or a mission motorbike to make our movement easier in our labour for the Lord.
Laptop – we are also trusting God for the supply of a laptop. In case you have some of these and have no use, kindly donate them to us and we would appreciate your gesture. They would be useful to bring thousands into the Kingdom of God and also to strengthen the people of God.
v Provision of Bibles and African Christian books to be given to needy brothers and sisters.
v For God’s power as we do the Lord’s work
v For the Assembly’s unity and desire to serve the Lord and one another.
v Provision of musical instruments
v Pray with us as we trust Him to meet our personal needs.
v For strength and good health.
Smart and Florence Fundi
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