Christian Drug Rehab Program
Ozark Teen Challenge Boys Academy
- Welcome to Ozarks Teen Challenge Juvenile Boys Ranch. We are more than a mere rehabilitation program. Rehabilitation involves restoration to original state. We believe that God has much higher plans for your family. He intends to transform your son into the young man that he was created to be. Please browse the pages of this site with assurance that there is an answer for your situation. My hope is that this simple assurance will change your outlook from pain and despair to hope and that you’ll consider our program as an agent of blessing to your family.
Teen Challenge Int. of Mid-America
- The New Creations Choir, in their 37th year, continues to bless churches and minister in schools and youth groups with a positive message that real life begins when we say “no” to drugs and “yes” to Jesus. A new evangelism ministry, begun in 1999, has already seen hundreds of individuals give their hearts to the Lord and many others touched in wonderful ways. The Teen Challenge Auxiliary continues to do a great work that blesses not only Teen Challenge but the community, as well, through the Thrift Store at 61 N. Clark Street and other projects.
- Teen Challenge of St. Louis offers a 14-month faith-based program for young men struggling with addictions. Teen Challenge, one of the largest and most successful programs in the nation, can offer these services for minimal fees because of donations from generous individuals. If you would like to contribute, click on the links below to find more information about how you can help restore broken lives.
Teen Challenge Kansas City Girl’s Home
- The Teen Challenge Kansas City Girls Home provides a loving and disciplined environment where teen girls will participate in Bible based counseling, a high quality education, and individual and group Bible studies. As each student’s life is transformed you will begin to see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Teen Challenge of the Four States
- Our goal is to help men whose lives have been affected by life controlling issues like anger, rebellion and addiction. In our complicated modern world, we understand how difficult it can be to always make right choices –sometimes our choices can have devastating consequences. Men ages 18 and up who have a life controlling problem such as drug or alcohol addiction. Men who are ready to enter the program voluntarily and willing to change their present lifestyle. Men who are prepared to accept a structured Christian environment in order to overcome their problems.
Teen Challenge of St. Louis – Diane’s House
- Teen Challenge of St. Louis offers a 14-month faith-based program for young men struggling with addictions. Teen Challenge, one of the largest and most successful programs in the nation, can offer these services for minimal fees because of donations from generous individuals. If you would like to contribute, click on the links below to find more information about how you can help restore broken lives.
- Genesis Men’s Home, a Teen Challenge modeled program is for individuals plagued by addictions. We evangelize those who have made a commitment to change, and disciple them so they can function as a Christian in Society. Men seeking help enter the residential 12 month program and immerse in a consistent schedule of Christian education, group study, anger management, relapse prevention, prayer, work, and fellowship. Our greatest endeavor is to help men become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive by the power of Jesus Christ.
- Through Genesis Men’s Home, a Teen Challenge modeled program, the bonds of addiction are broken, men are healed, and families are restored. If you or someone you love is struggling with a life-controlling problem we have the answer.
- For more information and enrollment call 314-381-0700 or email us at
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