Christian Drug Rehabilitation
- At A Forever Recovery, we offer a treatment facility program that is dedicated to the recovery process. Our program has many options to choose from in order to accomplish the many areas of treatment needed for the individuals own direct needs for their specific addiction. We offer several different types of programs to help you or your loved one overcome addiction.
- Faith Based: This track offers the individual with a belief system the opportunity to detox and withdraw from their addiction using their beliefs in Jesus Christ and his teaching. It also gives you guidance through the spiritual beliefs and strengths found in your religious belief system.
Life Challenge Southeastern Michigan-Female
- Life Challenge is a one-year residential program for men and women with drug, alcohol, and other life-controlling addictions. Affiliated with Teen Challenge USA, International, our goal is more than rehabilitation—helping men and women get clean and sober. We aim to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that the root cause of addiction is sin which results in separation from God. Consequently, we seek to help men and women turn from their self-destructive ways and put their faith in God. We emphasize Bible study, individual and group counseling, discipline, and Christian community. Life Challenge has campuses in Detroit and Flint. Both programs offer a highly structured environment providing students a unique opportunity to separate themselves temporarily from the normal distractions of life and give needed attention to personal spiritual growth.
- The world-wide mission of Lansing Teen Challenge is to evangelize people who have life-controlling issues and begin the discipleship process to the point where our students can function as Christians in society applying spiritually motivated Biblical principles to relationships in their family, the local church, chosen vocation, and the community; and to help them become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.
Mid-Michigan Teen Challenge Adult Male
- Mid-Michigan Teen Challenge is a 14-month, residential Christ-centered ministry that has a Bible Institute setting. We provide a structured environment for the students to work through their problems. Our ministry includes a men’s and women’s center helping students from the age of 18 and older. We are not just a program……. But a way of life!!
- You’ve tried to change, but you can’t. You try to do the right thing, but you do the wrong things anyway. Every time you finally seem to get on the right track, something comes along and trips you up. Does this describe you? The apostle Paul described his own feelings in exactly the same way during his struggle with sin. In a world of imperfect people, our greatest hope is in a perfect God. Teen Challenge is one path that will show you how to throw down the lifestyle of addiction and live in God’s will.