As a kid and a teenager I always assumed I’d get married, but in the last year I’ve actually for the first time thought about the probability that I will be single or celibate. I have to say that marriage doesn’t seem as amazing in many ways as it used to. Everytime I thought about marriage in the past the selling points were always ‘sex’ and ‘someone either bringing in money or taking care of your stuff’. Now it’s just amazing to think of someone actually sticking around with you for your whole life. If anyone was ever stupid or crazy enough to want to marry me, I’d know they were probably the wrong person.
When you get married to someone it’s not like things necessarily get better, you get all their baggage, they get all your baggage, and you’re both weighed down with each other’s problems, but you also get each other’s strengths. I was thinking about this today when my friend Jewey was describing how to stack up World of Warcraft Arena teams and how you want to usually have a Tank and a Healer, or a DPS and a hybrid healer. It’s strange to think about marriage as an arena team. I think that so many marriages fail because people marry someone exactly like themselves… and unless they’re both shamans or paladins, it’s not going to work.
Yep, that’s Holy Matrimony in the land of Azeroth and real life.
You’ll be in my prayers as you discern your calling in life. But do not despair! All is not going to be as it is now. You are young…you have a lot of growing to do.
Don’t expect to be perfect when you get married…it will never happen.
As in all things (and I think you’ve got this down), do not worry because God will arrange things for you just how he wants them. All you need to do is humbly allow his plan to unfold.
What Mike? Just the World of Warcraft thing lol, is that why you’re invoking god for me?
oh my god andrew….
thanks Lars
=) hehe – you are great; I don’t think someone willing to marry you would be as stupid as you might think…