Starting today, Kiva is offering a pilot of student microloans on its site. Kiva lenders can now make loans to students in three countries: Paraguay, Bolivia, and Lebanon:
Microfinance Leader Aims to Demonstrate That Students in Developing Nations Will Repay Loans if Given The Opportunity, Helping Open The Door For Higher Education Around The World
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – September 20, 2010 –, the world’s first personal micro-lending website, has announced a pilot of Student Microloans on Beginning today on, anyone can lend as little as $25 to students in three countries around the world. Founded as a means to combine the impact of microfinance with the utility of technology, Kiva is in a unique position to help lenders make a personal difference – easily, quickly and effectively – first with small business microloans and now with student microloans.
The pilot was born as a natural extension of Kiva’s mission to connect people, through lending, to alleviate poverty. Kiva Student Microloans give recipients the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills through higher education or vocational training. As a result, these individuals will be better positioned to find jobs, support their families and grow their communities — and ultimately make a real difference in the relief of global poverty.
“In developing countries, access to funding for education doesn’t exist like it does in the United States,” said Premal Shah, president of “Without being given the opportunity, students don’t have the chance to demonstrate fiscal responsibility. We believe the internet community is in a unique position to share the risk of student lending in the developing world and if these students repay their loans — as we believe they will — it could be the very impetus needed to make education accessible for everyone around the world.”
Many thanks to our field partners in Fundación Paraguaya, IMPRO, and Ameen s.a.l. for their hard work in making this pilot a reality!
To learn more about how you can help support a student, please visit You can also view Kiva’s student loans at the following link:
I am an A level student waiting for the results that may be out by the end of January 2017. I am living in Zimbabwe. My finacial background is poor for the furtherance of my education. I am therefore, seeking a sponsor to help me go further in learning. I was doing Maths, Bs and Economics and I wish to take a program of Business Studies and Computing Science.
I am a Zambian citizen that would like to excel to a Bachelor degree in Social work applying for both a study place at any university and a scholarship for 2017 enrollment.
I await your positive response.
Thank you!
good evening lovely people. please am a Nigerian who wishes to
further her education in the university level but lack the
opportunity to do so because my mum is poor and she’s a
single parent with seven children which I happen to be the
second child.I wish to study on full scholarship so am pleading
with everyone to please help me out.please contact me on my
email and my Facebook name is
abimbola oladapo. God bless you all.
Dear sir I am from, a Ethiopia , I recently completed degree by Veretrinary Medicine, from Haramaya University.I will like to further my education in veterinary Medicine related courses or public health. But i cant do this because I from poor family back ground. The only thing I have is interest. I ask you to find me asponsor who can help to go from my country to in study foreign university.Please I need your assistance. I believe in God and I hope my dream will be successful.
i am Liberian studying manning engineering in the university of liberia i need a help to in able continue my education thanks
Greetings am an Ethiopian citizen am a medicine student in hayat medical college am paying a lot soon it will be hard for me to continue if you may please help sponsoring me. thanks
This is orphan Adam from south Sudan, i would like to thank you for helping the less-privileges, orphans and helpless ones, the almighty will reward you abundantly.
I am writing to you sincerely with tears in my eyes, the tears of seeking for scholarship.
Having lost my parents, things have been not alright though i have tried to reach the level where i am now by having certificate in electrical installations, I am stranded there is no way for me to proceed to a degree level.
That is why i am asking your kindness if you may help me out.
With best regards
Thank you
l am Tererai Matara and l am aged 24 years and l am from Zimbabwe.l came from a family of 8. I am currently doing an Honors degree in social work with University of Zimbabwe and l am in year 3. My wish is to do my Masters degree in social work abroad since at our university there is no postgraduate programmes as far as social work is concerned. Besides that l want a sponsor who can sponsor me with the funds since my parents are struggling to pay the fees needed here at the university.May you please help me
Thank you Mr Samuel for the job well done
l am Tererai Matara and l am aged 24 years and l am from Zimbabwe.l came from a family of 8. I am currently doing an Honors degree in social work with University of Zimbabwe and l am in year 3. My wish is to do my Masters degree abroad since at our university there is no postgraduate programmes as far as social work is concerned. Besides that l want a sponsor who can sponsor me with the funds since my parents are struggling to pay the fees needed here at the university.May you please help me
Hello am Edwin a Rev. Minister in Ghana, West Africa. Please i have the call and the love to do God’s work for the rest of my life. currently i have a diploma Certificate in Evangelism Ministry. And i have been under service of the Ministry for more than five years now. Please i need financial assistance to further my education at one of the Canadian Bible college with i have found great interest in. Please Help me and i will be glad to hear from you back. Thanks
I am a Liberian, 20 on August 17,2014, graduated from the Sis. Shirley Kolmer Catholic High School in Monrovia Liberia. I am interested to pursue my studies in Civil engineering or computer engineering,but don’t have the financial resources to accomplish my goal. Therefore, I am seeking scholarship or financial aid to achieve my goal. I need help while I am still young. My parents cannot afford the cost of higher education.
Im a zimbabwean hoping to archive a lot in life and l know your way is the best.thank you
Dear sir/madam
I am 23 year old liberian, a college drop out due to non support.
I am a science student who which to study petroleum engineering,but no support.
I need your help.
If I have the opportunity to get the scholarship,i will performe to the best of your expectations.
Cell # 00231886256343
Hi, dear Samuel i am an Ethiopian and have gone BSC degree in plant science from Bahir Dar University with CGPA 3.49. I wish to learn more and more, so how can you assist/support me to find full sponsership to support my scholarship program.
from—–Finote Selam/ EthiopiA
Dear sir/madam,i am a zambian girl 17,i recently completed sch lst yr wit gud grades,i wud lyk 2 further my studies so dat i cn contribute greatly 2 de well being of my country.yo assistance will b greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of this,its a great work you are doing,helping young people fulfill their dreams.I am a graduate in one of the Nigeria universities and I am also a Nigerian.I studied Plant Science, and i will like to further my education in Dietetics. Thanks for your assistanc
i am a registered student and looking for a scholarship for my Masters in Gender and Community Development
Request for financial assistance / Sponsorship towards a Master in Management of Development at the University of Turin (Italy)
I wish to request for financial assistance to enable me to pursue the above Course at the above Institution. I have been admitted for the above Masters Programme which starts in November 2013. I am a Namibian citizen.
This is a Distance Learning Programme with only one contact session from February 2014 to June 2014, where I am expected to attend classes in Turin (Italy). The total amount of the course (tuition only) is 7,500 Euros but the International Labour Law (ILO) has offered me a partial scholarship of 2,500 Euros and I have managed to secure 5,000 Euros from my own source to settle the tuition fee.
Apart from tuition fee, I am still required to pay for my travel expenses to and from Italy and accommodation, some study materials as well as meals from February to June while in Italy. It is against these grounds that I am requesting for financial assistance from the corporate world, Development Partners and the Businesses alike in making my dream come true.
This group is the 13th edition for the course but it’s for the first time that a person from Namibia to attend this course. The course is beneficial to my country as it covers most aspects of development in the developing country like ours. This course is also accredited by the Namibian Qualification Authority as well as internationally.
am teacher in bible school here in kenya so i do appeals to well wishes to assist local pastors who want to study the word of God but their income cause them out of learning the word of God . the fees is reg 1000 ,books 500,and per month fees 1000 for 15 months may God bless you .thanks
My name is sileshi abdissa,from ethiopia,i am 25 years old and graduated from Addis Ababa University with BEd in Biology and i am searching for sponsor/schollarship to contineu my education MSc please can you help me? Thanks!
Dear Sir or Madam, I am called Terence A. I reside in Ghana currently and I am a high school graduate. I am in need of help to further my education to a higher level i.e. to gain sponsorship which may help me, my family & my country as a whole. I have good passes in my papers. Thank you & God bless you+++
Dear sir
first of all thanks for this chance.
I am Turuna from ethiopia. I have degree by animal science. And i would like to study my higher education and i need sponsor for study so please help me
Hi Sir,
I’m Geofrey Lukosi from Tanzania taking Bachelor degree in computer science at the Institute of Finance Management(IFM) as last year student. I would like to have further studies at one of the universities out of my country for the Master’s in computer scince so as to help my very poor family as well as those who can’t support themselves at my place for they are many who need my help. Please sir help me to get this opportunity. May God give you long life for you are helping we poor people.Amen
I have a Bsc. degree in Home science and Management (clothing, textile & interior decoration option) from the federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. I have a passion for fashion designing and making people look good with what they wear. I humbly request for a sponsor to fulfill my dream of obtaining a Masters degree in fashion designing from the USA so that my skills may be developed for the benefit of the society. Thank you, in anticipation of a granted request.
Am a 20yr old guy just having a dream of studying philosophy in any Canadian university pls and pls I need an helper to fulfill such dream
Dear sir, Samuel
I am Mulu Tesfay from ethiopia. i have B.SC degree in Electrical Engineering graduated from Arbaminch university. To learn in higher educational institutions and to develop my educational level and to support my poor family in this case i want a sponsorship to support my scholarship program. how and when can i get free scholarship? thank you very much for your consideration.
best regards,
if it is possible to get scholar ship,it is the will of God and I thanks in my life.unless no matter how.but I struggle for ever
Hi, Am Tawonga from Malawi. I have a Diploma in Agriculture and would like to further my education to get a degree. Due to luck of financial support am unable to continue my education. I pray for a well wisher who can sponser me to get the best education i can in my country, even abroad.
I will be happy if my request will be granted. May God bless you!
I’m a Tanzanian christian by religion requesting for financial aid to pursue Masters degree in Agriculture education and extension at Sokoine University of Agriculture to year of 2013/2014, thank you.
Dear Sir
Am a graduate from college in Uganda and i wish to continues my studies in computer secience i will appreciate if granted a chance in scholarship in one of your best universities in london or UK or any country that my sponsor will best choose for south sudanese nationals who has been a refugee in foreigner country for ten years where i manage to get a little knowledge in computer secience.
many thanks so much and i will appreciate your quick and positive reply on my request.
I am Esther Namirembe, a christian by faith from Uganda and would wish to study my PhD at Berlin School of Library and Information science. I posses a Master of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Library and Information science with a CGPA of 4.3 and 4.23 respectively. If I am granted an opportunity I hope to come back in my home country and contribute to educational development by lecturing at Makerere University. Thank you for you assistance in advance.
hello, am patrick from Malawi , i would like a well wisher to get a scholarship in Environmental health. i have a diploma. i have tried but to no avail. even advice is welcome . thank you
im a namibian student who is eager to learn,i matriculated in 2011 but due to lack of finance im unable to further my studies,so if there is a samaritan out there who can make my wish true in studying environmental related course abroad please help me out financialy..
thank you and God bless!
Hello dear
I wish to apply for full scholarship I need to be a doctor in order my dream to be true. I have already applied for Clinical Officers course but problem is school fees and other things. any time I will receive the letter to go but I don’t know how to do about money. I pray day and night to almighty GOD to help me. May GOD bless you for assist me to be among the people who can get sponsorship for this year 2012/2013
Dear God i pray that you will send someone to help me achieve my dream of learning medicine in my country or abroad if that is your will.
For all of you brothers and sisters whom God had put me in your way you can contact me on my email
Thank you very much and God bless.
Bruk Dereje
Today i’m very very happy; b/c of getting you in my face book & seeking your help in international scholarship for immediate future.
have joined Diploma in information Technology have diploma so that i need to learn Bachelor Degree in Software Engineering. would you help me
i am from Ethiopia and i have advanced diploma in IT so that i need to learn in bachelor Degree in the field of software Engenering. would you help me!
Thank u!
Dear Sir/madam,
Am ugandan Young Lady aged 20yeaes.I completed Uganda Advance Certificate of Education (UACE)and qualified for University admission and i have been acepted in Uganda Christian University to pursue Degree in Nursing but on privat sponsership but my parents cant afford to pay,am therefore requesting that if you could link me to any organisation who can accept to fund my University education to enable me achieve my my dream of becoming a nurse to help save the lives of our people in future
Thank You Very Much,
May God the Almighty Bless you abandantly.
Angom Juliet
helo sir /ma
may peace and grace of lord juses CHRIST be with you for ever. i am called Angom Juliet agender female. i am from Uganda Protestant(Anglicant) in religion ihave been admitted to pursue a degree in Nursing Science in Uganda christian University-Uganda. now i need to pursue the career for the service of athers but my family are not able to do this for me becouse of the economic problem. i ask humbly to find me asponsor who can help pay my tuttion fees and other needs for the four years course.
I’m from Ethiopia.i graduated in LLB i eager to my education level.hence i need your assistance.please help for this blessed purpose.
hi, start giving me your support for the lower groups to make them, great and to support other after reaching like your position. the only God Jesus bless you.
It is good thing that the poor once have you.Because it give joy helping who don’t afford to have a money to school i am one of those group.what i am asking is that this scholarship will inhance my ability to work i really need the scholarship to change my country and to surprice my family and you too.Thank you for every thing.God bless you and jesus will come soon.
ohh, thanks to give me the support.jesus bless u.
My name is Tolosa Chaka Tulu and 28 years old. Iam an Ethiopian currently living as a refugee in Uganda my asylum certeficate house hold number:-470-09H04899. When i was in Ethiopia i obtined Degree in business managment, i tried to continue for second Degree in Ethiopia at Adama university master in project planning managment. but i was forced to drop out becouse of pressure that was placed on me. i was forced to leave the country and exiled to Uganda. I am eager to continue my Education but i could not do it because of lack of financial resource. I am asking your good office to provide me any support to pursue my Education when i am sill young. Tanks
really God bless you i am mesele yitbarek from Ethiopia i am 22 years old i need full scholarship for masters program so please give me your hand to get this chance.
First of all i appreciate what you are doing because it is for the worth of poor students at poor countries i am 2nd year medical student im very glad if i get a scolarship in undergraduate or in speciality level in medicine.
i am gadissa gemada from ethiopia haramaya university 4th year electronic communication engineering.i want free scholarship .please help me.
jesus bless you
Dear Sir/ Madam, i want to thank you and all those responsible for this scholarships. Infact, God wil bless you for helping the poor to also get access to quality education. Iam a Nigerian, a school leaver with an excellent WASSCE but am from a poor background and my father is late. My ambition is to be a world class medical doctor. Pls i need your help to make this dream come true. Thanks in advance, am 21yrs
Hi, I just want to thanks you for doing a great job. Supporting some students to continue their education is one of the most valuable works, you help them to be a suitable person in the society. I live in a family of ten children, my father died some years ago and my mother wasn’t able to send us to college because of the financial problems nowadays that everybody knows the importance of knowledge, I want to go to university and study hard and then try to be a useful person for my society, and for my people. My country Afghanistan is in pain of illiteracy because it is always been in confliction. It is indeed in need of some experts to help people living in there. You know I live in Iran with my family, I wanted to study medicine but the fee for university here is very high and I really can’t pay the money. I’m afraid if you can help me to study medicine at university and then after that I’ll be able to come back to my country and help my people who are in real need and hope to devote my whole life for them and maybe in future, hand in hand, ruin the root of illiteracy from our country.
I am an undergraduate and i have been offered aerospace engineering in UK but i can not financially afford the fees. Please help.
Dear Sir/madam
This is Aman from Eritrea who have applied to the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) for masters of public health and received the UNCONDITIONAL LETTER OF ADMISSION for the year 2012/13 but i did not get the fund yet.
So please want your assistance in securing the fund. please your assistance is very crucial in my life.
I need a free scholar,so please help me in finding the scholar.
I really appreciate your acknowledgements to students who are financially disabled…..keep it up
please how can i find sponsership
I am 20 years old undergratuate girl currently studing business managment second year in a zimbabwean university. I am seeking financial assistance in payment of tertiary fees. My dad is retired and has to pay my fees along with my siblings as well as support our extended family.
I have been admitted to the University of Eastern African Baraton in Kenya to pursue a Bsc. in Public Health.the school will start ion 16 March 2012.I have no sponsor.I have no sponsor.For further details,please contact me through my email address.Be blessed as you are looking for my sponsorship.Without you I will stay uneducated at home.Please assist me school fees so that I can start my studies on 16 March.
Am an undergraduate student,studing Nd program Prosthetics and Orthotics in Fedral College of Orthopeadic Technology in National Orthopeadic hospital Igbobi Lagos State Nigeria.there is no University in Nigeria that dose in the course and am interested in going futher in the course pls i need a sponsor aid/financial assistance to go futher on the course in any African country or foriegn country.pls God bless you as you help me. You can contact me on 08174415145,08090857555.
I am a 19 year old Zimbabwean and i had just completed my advanced. Please help me to get a university. I thank you in advance.
hello Samuel,
i am an advanced level and some computer courses certificate holder wishing to study networking engineering (Cisco networking) abroad through a scholarship program, how may u be of help?
Warm regards.
I am a 19 year old girl in Kenyatta university in Kenya.My mum is widow and we are three in our family.When I was admitted to campus, my mum called for a contribution from well wishers since there was no money.In high school was lucky to get a sponsor from Italy but unfortunately just after I completed and passed the exam the organisation experinced some crisis.My mum is currently jobless and I and my two sisters are all in school.Please help me realize my dream.I do not want to drop out due to fee problems.Am enrolled in a Public health degree.I hope to hear from you soon.Thanks in advance.
I am a 19 year old girl in Kenyatta university in Kenya.My mum is widow and we are three in our family.When I was admitted to campus, my mum called for a contribution from well wishers since there was no money.In high school was lucky to get a sponsor from Italy but unfortunately just after I completed and passed the exam the organisation experinced some crisis.My mum is currently jobless and I and my two sisters are all in school.Please help me realize my dream.I do not want to drop out due to fee problems.Am enrolled in a Public health degree.I hope to hear from you soon.Thanks in advance.
First of all l thank you very much for your great support for the needy, hopeless,and lessprivilage.I’m a young boy of 19yrs old,i obtain my o level certificate in the year 2010[NECO],also a science student wishing to study mechanical and civil engineering.But for me to forward my education is the reason i contacted you for a help because i have no source of help.l want to study abroad in order to learn other people culture,language,and to gain their knowledge of creativityand for me to teach other mine and to create great impact in the world.l sincerely plead for your offer(to spousor me in my education)please i have no help as i said earlier.God bless you and may the almighty God grant you wisdom and knowledge to do more of this help you are offering to the hopeless.l will be glad if my request is being granted.
I am a 20 yr female Ugandan, orphan and christian by faith. I am looking for a sponsor who can can pay for my higher education. God bless you .
I am from ethiopia i live in countryside working as health worker in pasturalist community i served there for the last 18yr and i also graduated in Bsc from Haromaya University in public health in 2008 .Now i need to study Msc in Nutrtion the most problem of my locality
God blese u .in what u did for me
Hi Samuel, i m a pharmacist from Ethiopia and i want to proceed my master in pharmacology if i get the chance .can you help me? thank you for all.
hae samuel,first congratulations for the good work you are doing.Am a student from a local public university in kenya studying computer science and i would like to appeal for weelwishers who can help fund my education or offer me a email address is
telephone number 0723330035
Hi my name is Dawit Wondimeneh, am an African student studying for an Undergraduate Degree in Civil Engineering in Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. I am doing my second year. I was wondering if there is any way I can get a loan or scholarship to fund my education. My father’s business which was funding my education closed down this summer due to the bad economic climate. I have not even paid my tuition fees for this academic year. I fear I will be kick out of my course soon despite having gotten the second highest mark on my course in the last academic year. Despite putting in many work hours in my part time job, I am still short of the amount needed for my tuition fees in this academic year. I have tried my bank, my university, the Citizens Advise Bureau, friends and Goggling for financial help, but to no avail so far. Is the any place I can get a loan or scholarship? I will be very grateful for any information relating to my problem. here is my email
P.O.Box 57355
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
hello everyone
my name is Areez irfan and im a Pakistani Christian.
last year i got scholarship for A level programme nd by grace of God i succeeded with gud marks.
Physics A
Math A
chemistry B
but now even though my marks r gud im nt getting any scholarship in Pakistan.i dnt kno why, may be i dnt have a muslim first name or im proud to call myself christian……….
if anyone knows any contact from where i can get scholarship plz do let me kno
dear sir, kahsu berihu from lovely ethiopia. i have B.SC in apllied Geology graduated from Mekelle university. Tolearn in higher educational institutions and to develop my educational level and to support my poor family in this case i want a sponsership to support my scholarship program. i would like to thank samuel.
best regards,
kahsu berihu
cell phone:+251914160068
sir/ma,i am an undergraduate student in nigeria,please i need your assistance to study medicine and surgery in a foreign country if given the opportunity,because i want to save human lives and also help the needy,thank you very much as my request is been granted.
Hello Dear Samuel, I am ae Ethiopian who is the holder of Clinical Nursing Diploma ,Iives in Ethiopia I had peroformed with a very good result from College,I want to study Theology, or Socioloy or Public health or Church leadership and Mamegment or Anthropology in Undergragualt or if possible Masters level degree, in a foreign university in any country, because i want to get help in financial support, in order to know how to help, care, teach, speak, fight for the truth and for those who have no one to fight for their right, to bring hope to those who have no hope, all these and many more are my dreams, but i cant fulfill them without a good education and well exposure of other communities. I humbly beg for a sponsor to help me make my dreams come to reality, to help me fulfil my aim in this WORLD, because i cant do this alone. Please i plead for your assistance. I pray to God and hope in God with faith that my humble request will be granted. AMEN. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Getachew Asradew From Ethiopia.
hi samuel,my names are farayibi ayobami adeboye i have finished secondary school for the past four year,with good distinction in waec, i have been seeking admission into the university, with no breakthrough, has a result of this please i will like to further my education in a
foreign land i am ready to sit for anytest that will qualify me for the scholarship pls i need yur help samuel thanks. Am from nigeria
hi samuel,my names are farayibi ayobami adeboye i have finished secondary school for the past four year,with good distinction in waec, i have been seeking admission into the university, with no breakthrough, has a result of this please i will like to further my education in a
foreign land i am ready to sit for anytest that will qualify me for the scholarship pls i need yur help samuel thanks.
How are you? I am a female aged 22 years who just completed BA in Supplies Management from Addis Ababa University. I have been hard working, goal oriented and dedicated student through out. I would like to pursue MBA/Masters in Business Administration in developed economies cause the theory and practical aspects can be seen at work. I kindly request your assistance on how to get full scholarship.
Best regards,
i have joined bachelor in applied and advanced diploma in teaching so that i need to learn msc in health. would you mind to help me with this through bless against my holy king and guider God?
thank you reply!
dear sir, my name is eyob gebre from ethiopia. i am second year mechanical student in arba minch university. but one of my goal is to learn in higher educational institutions because to develop my educational level and to support my poor family in this case i want a sponsership to support my scholarship program. i have good result in different examination and i would like to thank samuel by giving this chance,thank u
i am a second year undergraduate student in dental medicien in jimma university(ethiopia),i love this course and i have a great wish to accomplish this course in a better school and with a higher i need a hand.
with a great thanks
I am Ghanaian and trained teacher .i also have diploma in marketing and diploma in salesmanship.with these certificates i have with ghana education service and barclays bank.i wish to have spornsorship or scholarship to my education in sports/education or marketing.
I am ghanaian currently residing in ghana .am trained teacher and have taught english language and general science in the junior high school under Ghana Education Service-Ghana for the past five years.After these five years ,i joined barclay bank as sales representative but with this i diploma in marketing and diploma in salemanship and wish to gain spornsorship or scholarship to be able to further my education sports /education or marketing.
I am a graduate in one of the Nigeria universites with Second class upper division(Microbiology), and i will like to further my education in public health. Thanks for your assistance.
Hi sir/ Ma ,am a Mechanical engineering graduate from Ethiopia .I want to up grade my education and have an Msc related to my field to do a lot more to my country than i’m now. so please help me get the opportunity. Thank you in advance.
helo sir /ma
may peace and grace of lord juses CHRIST be with you for ever. i am called freweini okubalited gender fimal. i am from eritrea catholicc in religion i gragouted after three years of intensive course in religious and associated study in catholic in stituts in asmara by GpA 3.46 now i need to farther my education for the service of athers but my family are not able to do this for me becouse of the economi problem now i ask hambly to find me asponsor who can help to go from my country to abrout country for study.
Good day Sir/Ma, am a Nigerian, an undergraduate living in Nigeria, i graduated with a very good result from the West African Examination Council (WAEC), I want to study LAW in a foreign university in any country or language, because i want to learn more about other people’s culture and tradition, in order to know how to help, care, teach, speak, fight for the truth and for those who have no one to fight for their right, to bring hope to those who have no hope, all these and many more are my dreams, but i cant fulfill them without a good education and well exposure of other communities. I humbly beg for a sponsor to help me make my dreams come to reality, to help me fulfil my aim in this WORLD, because i cant do this alone. Please i plead for your assistance. I pray to God and hope in God with faith that my humble request will be granted. AMEN. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Ifeanyi Emmanuel .O.