Do not give up in your love of the christian faith just because you suffer from an addiction because you can get the help you need from a christian drug treatment center. Just because you have fallen into an existence with living with an addiction doesn’t mean that God has given up on you. You must remember that all choices we make and act out on are being watched by God. He knows what you are going to decide before you actually decide it. God doesn’t give up on you because you’ve made the wrong choice. He helps to guide you along into making the best possible choice for your life and for your faith.
As a christian you have the option to attend a christian drug treatment center. This center will help provide you with all the necessary medical treatment required in overcoming a strong addiction. But they will also be able to help you with the spiritual portion of overcoming your addiction. You will see you are not alone in this journey and that there are others just like yourself. Others that have struggled with what choices to make, and if they were going against God in giving into temptation and addiction. One important thing to remember when faced with this question is the words of 1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
God is with you always and has provided you with a way or an escape to overcome and endure through your addiction. This escape may be in the form of a christian drug treatment center to help you work through all your issues and get you back on track with your life.
When thinking of an addiction as a sin it can be difficult to imagine how God will accept you now that you have gone against him. You should not view an addiction this way, rather view it as a temptation. This will help you to better understand that you are not alone in this process. A christian drug treatment center is there to help you figure out where to go in your faith once you’ve recovered from your addiction. It will help to understand that you always can have a relationship with your creator and you have not sinned against him, rather you have made the wrong decision. But like all parents when their children make a wrong decision, they help guide them to making the correct ones in the future, and also let them know they are still loved and cared for in the process. This is how God looks at your choice in giving into a temptation, he will be there along the way to help guide you into better ones in the future, and provide you with unconditional love along the way.