Three really good things that happened this week.
1. Breakfast with Dad: Tuesday morning I got up at 6:30 so I could practice for my driving test and I was by Dad’s shop so I stopped by and he took me out to Timmies for breakfast.. It was nice.
2. Tuesday Evening-Wednesday : I passed my driver’s test and went to go see James Bond: Quantum of Solace with Andrea and got to sleep a bunch and had fun watching L4yer Cake and Lord of War.
3. Family Guy clip – Stewie: “I’ll be almost as cool as the cheeto guy” *Chester Cheeto Cat guy listening to ‘Tom Sawyer’ by Rush and cutting up cheetos with a razor blade and then does a line of it. Then he screams ‘there is no better drummer than Neil Peart!!!’ and smashes his hand on a glass.