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About GlobalGiving
All donations go through the GlobalGiving Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 organization, which receives a nominal 15% fulfillment fee. This helps cover the cost of operating GlobalGiving – finding and vetting projects, providing training and support to project leaders, attracting donors, and maintaining an innovative, informative web presence. It also includes the fees assessed by vendors for credit card processing, wires, etc.
Most donors choose to make an incremental contribution at checkout to cover this fee and ensure that 100% of their donation goes to the project(s) that they have selected to support. This results in an average of 90% of all funds donated getting to the grassroots project(s) selected.
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How can I get my project on GlobalGiving?
When you work with GlobalGiving, we help your organization raise money to implement specific projects. You may be building a school or providing medical services to women or doing any number of activities.
Because GlobalGiving donors cover the costs of a specific project, the funds they give do not support your organization’s overhead and administrative fees.
There are many benefits to becoming part of the GlobalGiving community. We provide our partners with access to new donors, online fundraising training, media exposure and a cost-effective online fundraising platform, just to name a few.
How to nominate your own project
Provide us with details about your organization and your work through the self-nomination form. If you meet eligibility requirements, you will be invited to participate in an upcoming Open Challenge event (these occur every 3-4 months). We will notify you in advance about requirements and the due diligence you will need to submit. Through the Challenge, if you are able to meet certain donation thresholds (number and amount of donations), you will win a spot on the GlobalGiving website!
I am General B. Hidalgo, a Pastor of evangelical independent, non-denominational , from Sarangani Province, Mindanao, Philippines.I am joyful to serve God with my Family, but sad to say, it’s embarrassing to enter into a establish and congregational Church..It’s a battle between the truth from God’s Word and the tradition dominated by deacons, elders, and officers…Pastor is just an employee, and we our authority to direct the church and to reveal the revelation from God has no sense for the traditional Church…We are praying for a financial sponsorship..We are not looking for big amount , but just enough to start and establish a pioneering Church..A model Church, a Biblical Church, and a a kind of Holistic Church that can cater Spiritual, Financial, Medical, and Educational needs of every individual…I am praying and hoping for our strong partnership….This is my email ad: general.hidalgo@yahoo.com…..God bless you.
* has been operating in Rwanda,BUGESERA District in MAYANGE Sector since January 2012 after different research and experiences done., is helping poor children to access their rights to health, quality education and a sustainable future after finding out that many children are dropping out their studies because the following reasons: poverty(especially children from poor families, orphans, others with particular sickness and some who abandons the school resulting in their parents’ misunderstanding because they don’t know positive impact of quality Education
* Rwanda’s children face great challenges as a result of poverty and historical circumstances such as the 1994 genocide, HIV and AIDS. Many children die from treatable and preventable diseases.
* LITTLE ANGEL PROJECT currently works with 85 children, their families and communities in the BUGESERA district, MAYANGE Sector. We aim to work in all Districts in Rwanda as well as we should get partners and work in other countries especially those are still under development.
I greet you in Jesus name , i appreciate you for the good work you are doing , I am pastor from Mwanza Tanzania – I completed a diploma course in Dodoma Bible college 2001 now I praying before the Lord God to support me in order to join with a degree course the year 2013. the problem that I am facing is the lack of sponsorship. so brethren I OWE YOU TO PRAY FOR ME .TO GET FULL SPONSORSHIP . I WILL BE PLEASED IF GOD WILL ANSWER MY PRAYERS THROUGH YOU. YOURS LOVING SERVANT Charles Maheri Gosara
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ
I am a Malawian at St Joseph’s Teacher Training college in Deza
Thank you very much for the wonderful work that you are doing in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.
I am optimistic that this is carried out in good faith.
I have established an evagelisation ministry targeting the youth in Primary and secondary schools in very remote villages in malawi. I discovered that church evangelisation organisations have mostly targeted Urbun schools for easy communication ( travel and language) neglecting the rural mass children. Child development is at climax between the ages 2 and 15. They the world of God at this stage. God is actually manifesting His glory in His Work.
At the time being we are using public transport ( pushing bicycles and hicks ) which is a harsal. We also lack public communication system that would powered by generators.
Would you please connet us to any well-wishers who can assist us with second hand travel gagets ( a half tone car with a canopy 0r 4 motor cycles with canopies), public comunication systems ie 4 big speakers, mixer, four channeled amplifier, 6 microphones and stands, 2 mini generators, Laptop, LCD for showing Passion films,compter micrphone) We will very much appreciate if thse we get the real items requested not cash. We do not want the devil to tamper with our plans,. Second items shall also of great help since the wolrd economy is at stake WE promise to meet runin and maintainance from our little earnings and use the for intended purpose. We also invite you to one of the gatherings.
God bless you all. Amen.
Help us to reach out the lost young scholors us you you deliver your servises to God and the only ONE
Thanks very much.
Respected sir and mam,
My hearty greet to you in our lord Jesus name ,in short word to share with you i’m Michiel 23 yrs a young servant of the Lord in the land of India and same time i’ve a heart desire to go for my further study M.Div course but due to no money …….please if any man and woman of God may found me and interested please i want an urgent help from you ….for God sake not For me….i’ve no parents to support me…..and no church to look my studies and same time in doing ministry. i’m tired being searching help ……..here email : mbmichielago64@gmail.com.
Thank you and may God put His spirit in you to know more about me.
Dear sir and mam,
Apostolic Greetings:
Greeting in our risen Christ Jesus name . i need little help of finance to Go and study word of God .i’m a poor young servant of the Lord, no help from parents .need urgent help from man and woman of God. please pray for me …..! Amen.
Praise the lord dear brethren in christ, i am paster Mongi of christian revival church of Tanzania.thanks for what God gives you and bless us.i have 2 acres of land and we offer it to the church to enable a project of bulding a bibleschool and secondy school for arphans so that they can grow spiritualy.dear brothers we need your suport to fulfil this.we will be very happy to hear from you soon.may God bless you,your in christ jesus Pastor Mongi from down the slope of mountain KILIMANJARO TANZANIA.
Dear pastor god bless you .
I thank God for you great vision, for the burden that you have for the souls and the needy.
i am a sister from the western side of Cameroon, some years ago my husband and i left the town to one village for the call we have been preaching the gospel there.we have been also doing the prison ministry which to preach to soul help, and follow up the prisoners who accept the call of the Christ.
the work has not been easy Du. to poverty and the great lack that people responding to the gospel are facing.
During this years ,we have learn chicken ,rabbit and pigs farming and agriculture.
why expecting you answer, God bless you for your comprehension.
the knowledge is there but we are in need of fund which can enable us to put in place a structure.
this structure will be of a great help to teach and help the jobless believers, to help the prison ministry, to sponsor and help the work on the field.
hi dear servants of praise God out there me am just a young preacher who needs your help God has called me to save him in this end time age but here in my country thing s are difficult bcs i rely need your help out there in order for me
fulfill what god has plan tent me i have been saving God by preaching the gospel on the streets in the villages so time has come i have realized that God want to use me more and more in my young age in Kenya but i need some one send from God to sponsor me in planting a church in order for me to feed all what GOD has given me to his people were i am now God bless you all this my conduct +254728988901
peace and blesssings unto you all , i am evangelist Awudu Razak Ibrahim , the founder of disciples of all nations , a mission organisation dedicated to soul winning , i am from a moslem backround and seek to evangelise to the moslem community worldwide currently i have established a converted moslems christian fellowship where we meet interceed pray and help each other to be enlighten with our new christian faith but with many oppositions , we dont have a permanent place of worship and lack of funds has made us incapable to help those who have been rejected and persecuted to find them a place of comfort where they will have the liberty to worship ,we also have a ministry where we do use audio visual as a means to reah out to the unreached and many have come to know christ through this medium curently our film projector is not functioning we just want to appeal to the christian community worldwide to come to our aid we need your financial and material sponsorship you are welcome we hope to hear soon from you.stay blessed!!!!
Dear Brother and Sisters In Christ,
Jesus Christ Ministries (JCM) is a non profit, nondenominational Christian ministry working for the pread of the Gospel in Pakistan. We are working for this mission since the year 1999. We are located in District Layyah of Punjab Province of Pakistan.
In a period of only few years we have done an extensive work to send the gospel out in Pakistan. We live in a very backward and underdeveloped area of Punjab where people are illiterate, not only in the formal and non formal education, but as well as in the knowledge of the Word of God. And due to the lack of Education 8 out of 10 people have the tendency towards drugs and narcotics, which is a very alarming situation. People do not respect each other. People here do not value each other’s customs and rituals. They do not send their children to school. They do not read the Bible. They do not go to church. In a nutshell, they are far far far away from the Word of God. And this is the reason why we are starving to send the Gospel here in this area.
To get the Gospel to the people who need it, we have Sunday prayers. Also, we organize open-air prayer meetings in the surrounding areas where no pastor or evangelists are going with the Gospel. This way we are reaching those people who have never heard the Bible before. We have Bible Study classes two times in a month. Also, we have Sunday Schools where we teach people about who Jesus Christ is? And what is the purpose that he came on earth became a son of man and died for our sins.
Since our existence we have been doing this with self help. But as now we expand, we need your help to carry on our mission. Please join the helping hands that God has sent us. We need your help to spread the Gospel in Pakistan. There are many many more areas like Layyah that we have to reach. There is a great multitude that God yet have to save. We desperately need your help. We request you to come and work with us in partnership.
We are giving free fundamental and Bible education , we want to give free book,s clothes,shose and other matrial that they need in study. friends we also want to inform you that we do not have the table and chair , and not building , we are giving education in the open areas , therefore we need your help to carry on our mission.
I also have been working as a freelance translator for the past 4 years. And so, if you need any of your materials to be translated into Urdu, Punjabi or Siraiki languages, please do not hesitate to ask me to do services for your organization.
Few Months ago now we have also doing work on the Animal Rights, Now the we are doing work on the animal we are providing the food and also we are arrange the Medical campus for the animal. Because they need this , we thing that every person are doing work for the Human Rights But there is very few people or Organization, of NGO , etc that are working for the Animal Rights ,
This is also the creation of God , and Animal are also course of our food , we get many things from then that are benefit for our life.
Therefore we need your help. We request you to come and work with us for the Animals Rights.
And also if you can give sponcership our can donate for this please do this , we need your help in every way.
Your gift are very important for the flood people and the Childrens.
Thank you!
We look forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
Rev. Senior Pastor ASIF Gill and KAMAL Gill
Jesus Christ Ministries
Dear sponsors
I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.I,m a Pastor who working in Tanzania the place called Usa-river Arusha.I have completed my studies in advanced diploma in Theology and church ministry at AGBC Dodoma. I would like to be more equipped in studies so that I will help many people as possible.
so what I want is to get Ba in theology.
Dear poeple of God,
it would be my pleasure to partake with you in the mission of God as we all are called to preach about the same God. i am glad to have your consant replies to my mail helping me to get to know more about your mission. for your kind information let me tell you that i am the graduate of Grace Bible Cllege & Seminary, Gurgaon and also Filadelfia Bible College, udaipur. right now, i am based in Chandigarh the shared capital of punjab and haryana. i am involved in a pioneering work. i would like to start up several projects to cnnect with people such as english coaching centre, medical help and also a school. right now i am not in a postion to begin any of these prjects since i lack fund. i have a great passion to reach people. therefore, i would need both your prayer and financial support to achieve my dreams for the Lord.
i would like to thank you the family of global giving.am a chairman of a newly boned project called Mtoto Wa Africa in English child of Africa.how do we get sponsorship for children in need coz our project mainly aims at raising an informed and God fearing child for the Africa of tomorrow.we need support and help.any support rendered will be highly appreciated.you can contact the following +256775186265,+256 776031602.may God bless you so much.
I am 25years old and a graduate of ladoke akintola university of technology.i graduated from the department of pure and applied biology with a second class upper result.i have written 15 gospel books but no money to publish. i wish to continue my studies either along my course or ministerial studies.thank you
am a young pastor in sondu 40 km from kisumu town kenya am in need of sponsors to help in putting up a church currently construction going on and there on evangelism and mission to the area for at least 3 months to reach about 20 000 people in the area
partnership with other servants of God are all welcome towards reaching the unreached
waiting for your responce
pastor elisha olando afwata
254 725 929879
Dear friends from Globalgiving,
Am the managing director of CityLIGHT Child-Africa.A growing charity organisation in Uganda.We deal in
Child education sponsorships
psychosociol support
HIV/AIDS and the child
orphanages and street children
Christian child development
How can we access partnership with you that we can boost these projects and what are the requerements?
Thank you
Am a student at Scott Theological College Machakos looking for sponsorship towards my college fees which due to its accumulation led me to be discontinued for my studies until i i get fees. Any well wisher(s) are welcomed to partner with me to enable me achieve my dream of life through serving God .
Dear Servants of God,
We are a Fellowship based in Rusinga Island, Mbita District in Kenya. We are glad to contact you to express our interest to partnering with you. We are doing the work of God in a remote and underserved area where poverty and HIV/AIDS is the order of the day.
There are many widows and orphaned children who direly need the word of God. We believe that partnering with you will surely foster their believe in God. We need Bibles and Christian literatures to give them and more financial support so that we may be able to minister to their needs totally.
Looking forward to your lovely and considerate response you.
In His Vineyard,
Pastor Moses Abiga
Dear brethren
Praise the living God, would you provide me with the facts on how to get your grants, I am the Director of the COMFORT MINISTRIES. We serve in a very Dificult area along the Lake victiria region region in the western Kenya were people are very much aflicted by the HIV/aids, Children are left orfans Villages are being Closed
Because of the regular deaths caused by the desease. we need support to hehp us reach them with the word of God and minister their basic needs.
I hopefully waiting to hear from you
Rev. Julius Ochungo D.D
Dear Brethren
I am pastor Francis Ngige from Kenya. I came a cross your website as i was searching in my computor. I am impressed by the work you are doing for God.
I have been serving the Lord in the outskirt of Nairobi-Kenya, a place where their are thousand of peple who are poverty striken. Getting even a single meal has become trick to them. My church have been in fore front to see these family meet there basic needs so as to come to the church. This ministry have been a big challege to us as a church since the number oif people is overwhelmile. My vision is to build a facility where the children from the poor family can come and be feed with atleast one meal a day and share the word of God with them.
My church will be glad if we get your response
Yours Senior Pastor
Francis Ngige
From : Pastor Lubhaya John
North India
Dear Brother in Christ,
Greetings to you in the blessed name of our Lord and savior jesus Chrsit, who said that I am coming soon.
I am pastor Lubhaya John from India belongs to punjab state. Once I could see your website and the glorious ministries that you ar doing in various places, when I was searching on the computer. I am really very happy to see your wonderful ministries.
I and my friends, we are also working in His vineyard. Near to my town where we are working there are so many villages around us; and thousends villagers are living there without the knowledge of christ. My vision is let whole my area accept Jesus christ as their personal savior and Lord and wherever I go, i want to see every person worship only our Lord Jesus Christ, for that I want to reach the unreached people with the gospel of our Lord jesus Christ. By faith I have started a small Bible training center for born-again youngmen and women and some students are learning the word of God there. At present they are coming as daily visitors and facing lot of problems in thier studies. So I have a burden to give them residential facilities that they will be more useful in their vision. To train the laborers for the harvest, people are waiting to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I have seen your wonderful ministries, I had a deep desire to invite you once in our ministries. I really want relationship with such people those who have good leadership as well as experiments to the mission of God,so you may kindly keep on thinking on this particular matter and move as the spirit of the Lord leads you.
We are eagrly awaiting for your lovely and precious reply.
Yours for the perishing precious souls in India
pastor Lubhaya John