So today was my one day off work this week, tomorrow it’s back to the acid mines / Deli for me. Today was an ok day. I listened to Ravi Zacharias this morning which was inspiring as usual and reminded me of the fact that I believe in an Augustinian view of Original Sin. Then I got lost in the snow of downtown St. Catharines trying to find parking at my Church. After getting lost for 30 minutes I finally found my old parking spot. It was really different because we had the Bishop presiding over mass, and he had a really funny hat and shepherd’s crook, or a ‘crossier’ as the French/Catholics call it. I thought God was probably laughing at his outfit which was just a copying of the Pontifex Maximus and the ancient Roman Pagan Priests. Anyway, it was a good service and it made me feel guilty which means that I’m becoming a true Catholic. I know I’m really becoming Catholic because I prayed all week for God’s help and didn’t get it really and then I went to mass and it still made me feel like the bad one. Which of course I am as all humans are…blah blah Augustinian worm theology orthodoxy. Anyway.
After that I had a good afternoon of watching the X-Men movies which are always entertaining, and drinking 2 litres of ginger ale. Which was probably way more Ginger Ale than I should have drunken, but you know it’s almost Christmas so what the heck. I had a mediocre dinner and then watched more X-men and then Michael called and we talked about theology, church, philosophy, liturgy, and my unattractiveness compared to his smoothness with women for about 2 hours. I love that guy, it was great to talk with someone again about those things. Anyway, all in all it was a pretty good day off, most of all, because I DIDN”T HAVE TO WORK!!!@!@!@)* yay …but tomorrow I have to. oh well. Then I sent a girl a message on facebook. I thought about her for like an hour today. I really miss her. hmm. such is life. Au Revoir to the no people who read this.
this is a strange x-men pic I found online
I have to say this might be narcissistic but if you are a person who has read this far could you please leave a comment so that I’ll know that anyone is actually reading this blog. It will work out in your favor because you’ll notice today’s blog was especially bad. Like I didn’t even put any thought into it, it was straight journaling. BUT if people are actually reading this I’ll put more of my philosophizing into it. So if you read all this and you don’t know what to type for a comment just put ‘avocado’ in the comment space.