I talked with my dad about politics tonight after dinner. It was the first conversation we’ve had where we didn’t fight since January. I didn’t say it, but I finally realized that I’m basically an anarchist or at the most a socialist when it comes to State authority. I think the institution of the State is a joke. What pretended authority could it have? I actually think Monarchies have a better claim to sovereignty than Democracies. If I could find a Catholic Monarchy I’d be set.
At work today my co-worker who is an Atheist said that his girlfriend always gets angry at him because he laughs about serious things. He said ‘I laugh because life is a joke. You’re born, you do what society tells you to do, and you die.’ While I disagree with the philosophy I found it very honest. It reminds me of American Beauty, and the Comedian from Watchmen.
Tonight I watched a bit of American Beauty. What a fantastic film. I have many favourite parts, but one of them is the conversation between Jane (Thora Birch) and Angela (Mena Suvari):
Angela Hayes: Jane, he’s a freak!
Jane Burnham: Then so am I! And we’ll always be freaks and we’ll never be like other people and you’ll never be a freak because you’re just too… perfect!
Out of interest I went to see what Thora Birch is up to these days, the news part of her website was last updated in 2005…4 years ago.
She has a discussion board to talk about herself. The most recent comments are viagra ads someone has spammed, followed by 2 people talking about the last time they had a new picture of her. It’s pretty creepy.
But I successfully found people more lonely and pathetic than I am. I wonder if Thora Birch ever checks her website and finds these few pathetic fans hanging on, I wonder what she’d think of them.
She’s an interesting character too, from a German Jewish family, named after Thor, the Norse god. And her parents were ‘adult film stars’.
I bet she’d be an interesting person to have a heart-to-heart with.
I found out that ‘heart-to-heart’ comes from the Confessions of St. Augustine. The Latin is “cor ad (cor) loquotor”… I think?
Andrew says
thanks Dan.
dfast says
How is this creepy? I don't get it. I found it very insightful and personal. If Andrew's creepy, then everyone's creepy.
Andrew says
I concur.
TheManiac says
You're pretty creepy.